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Thread: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

  1. #11
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    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    So a quick update, it has been a week on 20mg and its been a rocky road as usual. Headaches, dizzyness, dreamy feeling and of course my old friend increased anxiety. Yesterday I had a really good day but today has been weird again! I also heard on another forum that my clock resets every time I go up a dose and that I can expect another 4-6 weeks of side effects, so that has put a bit of a downer on me again.
    The story continues....

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaS View Post
    I also heard on another forum that my clock resets every time I go up a dose and that I can expect another 4-6 weeks of side effects,
    It would be unusual for the side-effects after a dose increase to continue for 4-6 weeks. Around 10-14 days is more likely. It takes about 7 days for citalopram plasma levels to settle to a steady-state after an increase (or decrease) after which side-effects typically begin the diminish. However, as with everything about ADs, YMMV.

  3. #13
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    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    It would be unusual for the side-effects after a dose increase to continue for 4-6 weeks. Around 10-14 days is more likely. It takes about 7 days for citalopram plasma levels to settle to a steady-state after an increase (or decrease) after which side-effects typically begin the diminish. However, as with everything about ADs, YMMV.
    Thanks again PDU.
    I’m on day 12 of the increase and the past few days as well as the feelings of nervousness, I now feel down and have very little motivation to do anything. I feel like I could just lay in bed all day staring out the window (I don’t).

    I know I seem impatient but I seem to be getting worse not better. It’s been 5 weeks on 10mg and 4 on 15mg... I have 2 assignments due and prac to attend next week. Any words or advice would be appreciated...

  4. #14
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    Jan 2017

    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaS View Post
    Thanks again PDU.
    I’m on day 12 of the increase and the past few days as well as the feelings of nervousness, I now feel down and have very little motivation to do anything. I feel like I could just lay in bed all day staring out the window (I don’t).
    It is not uncommon for some to feel flat after a dose increase. There is a lot going on in the brain and the affect on other organs can be harsh too. Much of what you're feeling is what happens when we're ill. It's the body's way of dampening activity so there is more energy available to fight off infection, or repair damage.

    I know I seem impatient but I seem to be getting worse not better. It’s been 5 weeks on 10mg and 4 on 15mg... I have 2 assignments due and prac to attend next week. Any words or advice would be appreciated...
    They say it is darkest just before the dawn. While this isn't actually true, it is an apt analogy in this case. ADs can, and often do make things worse at the beginning and they tend to hit rock bottom just before the 'magic' starts. So hang in there Lisa. It is not as hopeless as it appears.

  5. #15
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    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    They say it is darkest just before the dawn. While this isn't actually true, it is an apt analogy in this case. ADs can, and often do make things worse at the beginning and they tend to hit rock bottom just before the 'magic' starts. So hang in there Lisa. It is not as hopeless as it appears.[/QUOTE]

    I love this advice and I even took a screen shot!

    I’ve been getting progressively worse since starting the 20mg 2 weeks ago. Today could be my final straw. I was in tears on the bathroom floor this morning, had many moments of panic through the day along with racing heart even lying on the bed and shaking. I really don’t think this is doing me any favours. I wonder if I should have given 15mg a bit longer as I had a few good days on this dose.
    I’m going to docs on Weds but would be interested in your opinion.
    Thanks for everything PDU.

  6. #16
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    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    So I went back to the docs after having enough of the racing heart and tremors and we both agreed to go back to 15mg and stay here for at least a month.
    The day after I felt a real relief and have been having VERY SLOW improvement but improvement all the same. Now this is what I thought would happen..
    I’m certainly not quite out of the woods yet but the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter.
    I still have nervousness in the mornings and slight tremor but it’s been 12 days since I went back down to 15mg so possibly still settling in.
    Fingers crossed!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    How are you now Lisa? X

  8. #18
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    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    Definitely making improvements every day. I have probably gone from 9 or 10/10 anxiety to a 6/10.
    Feeling much more hopeful.
    It’s taken such a lot of time, tears and frustration but I think I’ve found the right dose.
    Still see my psychologist every couple of weeks which really helps.
    Literally taking one day at a time and not looking any further ahead.
    Distraction is great. I either go for a walk with the dog, work on an assignment, weed the garden or listen to interesting podcasts.
    How are you?

  9. #19
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    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    Well I'm still going! This is such a rocky road, damn these SSRI's.... Looking back on it, I wish I had stayed on 10mg now... but anyway here I am with my story so far
    5mg - 11 days,
    10mg - 10 days,
    15mg - 19 days,
    20mg - 13 days,
    15mg - 24 days and counting

    It's no wonder I don't know if I'm Arthur or Martha... Still have shaky tremor hands, slight jaw clenching and anxiety STILL high... Urghhh so tired of it....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: 15mg Lexapro - but how long until positive or any effects?

    Quote Originally Posted by LisaS View Post
    Still have shaky tremor hands, slight jaw clenching and anxiety STILL high... Urghhh so tired of it....
    If my abacus is correct, you're now at 9 weeks since first taking 10mg, Lisa, so if the med is going to work then you should begin to notice at least the beginning of an improvement in the next week or two. The jaw clenching may be the last side-effect to go as it and the Lexapro Yawn tend to hang around like unwelcome guests.

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