Thank you for your reply. I’m 33 and have been really anxious the last 3 weeks. I think my adrenaline has been high because of this and I’ve had lots of ectopics/ palpitations. I always thought stress made periods stop but seems it’s the opposite for me. When I had the 15 day period back in September I was really anxious about it contacted my dr on day 14 and on day 15 it just stoped, as quick as that then back to normal the next 2 months but I have lost another half a stone in weight in that time so maybe that’s contributed. Also ramped up the exercise a little the last 2 weeks as wanted to reach my 4 stone weight loss before Christmas and couldn’t shift a couple of stubborn pounds. Thanks again I’m going to try and not worry about it as I’m sure it will only make things worse and hope things go back to as normal as possible soon