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Thread: Depersonalisation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    How long can this last for? Does it feel like things aren't real or you dont feel yourself anymore.Like your losing your mind?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Depersonalisation

    Yes that's exactly what it feels like. Could last for 5 minutes or 5 months, it's not a specific thing.

    For me it would always be intense for short periods of time, but an overall feeling of being completely spaced out could last for weeks.

    Even now if I'm stressed and wake up in the middle of the night it can sometimes feel like I'm just not there for a minute or two.

    It will pass eventually though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Depersonalisation


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

    This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.


    Elen Admin
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Depersonalisation

    I get this is if wake up at night, or after a panic attack. Happened to me yesterday and it lasted a good few hours. Felt like nothing was real and I was separated from reality. I wasn't in any state of panic, just felt like I was detached. It's an uncomfortable strange feeling. It happens a lot after daytime naps too. When I used to labouring with my uncle many moons ago I fell asleep in the van on the way to a job 100 miles away. When I woke up suddenly that entire day I had depersonalization. It didn't help that when I woke I was in a completely new place.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Depersonalisation

    I get like that when I’m up late or like if I don’t do much with my day I sorta feel like I’m just whizzing through the day but spaced out most of the time. It’s so weird

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