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Thread: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

  1. #261
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi All,

    I have been sufferling really badly with anxiety recently. Mainly over obsessing over sleep and the feelings it gives me. It caused me to take time off work and I'm likely going to be signed off for a while. I started Zoloft because i really want something to help long term, and I'm at the point where I must try.

    Anyway as I am currently off work at the moment. This is now my third day, I will miss my friends stag day on Saturday, which is fine. I want some time to adapt, and some time to recover. I think this is fair.

    Anyway my doctor suggested i be signed off from next week, but this is the weekend of my friends wedding. I said to my wife that I'd prefer to get the bus to the wedding, see the ceremony, have a drink or two, then come home maybe in the evening. I said as I'm likely off work, it would look bad, and I don't think I want to be there all day.

    She said she would just stay with her friends who will be there. When I say her friends, i mean one and I understand that. Her friend might need company.

    Is this fair, or should she come with me? I am highly paranoid that with me leaving early, I get judged by others for not being there with my wife. Where if we left together, it wouldn't look quite as bad on me.

    Can I have some honest opinions here?
    '' It's not easy being me ''

  2. #262
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Is it fair to expect her to come with you though if she wants to stay with her friend? Why should your friends judge you anyway? You have been signed off work by your doctor so this means you are not well and could hardly be expected to be on top form and the life and soul of the wedding party.

    Personally I think what you are planning to do is perfectly reasonable and let your wife do as she pleases? Nobody will judge you-they will be too busy enjoying themselves to "notice" anything.

  3. #263
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Is it fair to expect her to come with you though if she wants to stay with her friend? Why should your friends judge you anyway? You have been signed off work by your doctor so this means you are not well and could hardly be expected to be on top form and the life and soul of the wedding party.

    Personally I think what you are planning to do is perfectly reasonable and let your wife do as she pleases? Nobody will judge you-they will be too busy enjoying themselves to "notice" anything.
    OK, I agree. I'd like to go see my friend marry, have a few drinks, enjoy the meal and then come home around early evening (1900). This to me seems a pretty meet in the middle considering i'd be off work and it would look bad if I was partying till 1 am. I just like to know my wife is safe is all, and if she's there without me i just don't want her being asked questions as to why I'm not there. I'm off with stress and severe anxiety, with accompanied chest pains, so i'd likely just be telling people that. I am off with chest and back pains caused from stress. I've gave up for golf for the time being, something I'm really good at. I play off 0, but I've decided I want to put the clubs away until I see any benefits from Zoloft.

    Any tips on how not to obsess over negative thoughts? Does anyone from experience know if SSRI's make an effect at all on negative thinking?
    '' It's not easy being me ''

  4. #264

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic


  5. #265
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi All,

    Does anyone have any self help guides that are similar to CBT? Or any self help guides that deal with GAD an obsessional thinking? I started noticing my breathing and now blinking, and before that, a constant need to urinate, however I really don't care now If I urinate. If I feel an urge, I either go to the toilet or just assume it's my bladder working. The breathing was only a few days ago, and seem to have focused on that. Now It's blinking, and I'll probably stop focusing on that I'm sure. It's laughable, and I just thinking It might help me to use some self help.

    Currently signed off work, however have a holiday already booked next week, and will have to go. If I'm honest feel guilty about going, as I'm off work. As well as feeling unsure about going in general, due to a bad period of anxiety. I have suffered for many years, and I think I have obsessional thinking over my worries. Effectively GAD, but I've also leaned to obsess over certain things.

    Currently on Zoloft, and hoping for the best. Or Setraline as it's generic name.

    Also have took Zolpidem for years. Just been switched to generic, sure it isn't a difference, and it helps the NHS if generics are used anyway. I wish my doctors would just give me benzos, to take when required, but they shoot me down when I ask, even though they know that and zolpidem has helped me. However I am sticking with the setraline, because I think it can take up to 8 weeks to start working. Only on week 7, so came to far to give up.

    Any advice?
    '' It's not easy being me ''

  6. #266

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hey Michelle,

    First of all, I would like to thank you for this.

    I have also diagnosed with GAD and now I am taking alprazolam (xanor) 250mcg for almost four (4) consecutive weeks. In my first week -- I was taking it solo, 2nd/3rd week the doctor partnered it with melatonin 3mg. On the 4th week , the doctor partnered it with EXCIVEX 5mg.

    Have you also taken alprazolam for your anxiety? Even I am taking this medicine, I wake up too early and feel tired and weak. Is it just on my mind or what?

    This friday 15Dec, I will go to the dentist to check my panoramic xray because I have a chronic pain (2-3 yrs) in my neck and shoulder. Also chronic numbness or uncomfortable feeling in the left side of face (including jaw, sideburns, cheeks, left side of head, and left side of my back head) -- everything is all in left -- and more on numbness or uncomfortable feeling. Sometimes, it hurts like headache or migraines. I am also having loss of balance and appetite -- also being confused, I don't even focus or concentrate on my job. Then I am starting to rattle or panicking -- in the end feeling tired. I dont even feel excitement with my work, hobbies and those things that make me happy before (insert also my sex drive).

    Further, I have diagnosed with Cervical Radiculopathy and Carpal Tunnel. But all in all, my blood test is normal, all related with electrolytes are normal.

    After my dentist on Friday, I will to Psychiatrist again on the next day, Saturday.

    Thank you. I am Mark and I am 27y/o
    Last edited by mjragas; 13-12-17 at 04:11. Reason: additional info

  7. #267

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    I get the dizziness and nausea when driving on dual carriageways and motorways. It prevents me traveling too far, and even getting a job that isn’t close by.
    I suffer generally from anxiety, but I feel the driving is the most dangerous one. Really scary

  8. #268
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    There's one thing that's been helping me with my anxiety recently. This is going to sound like I'm stating the obvious, but it's the notion that there are things you can influence and things that you can't.

    Try to take a step back from things that are beyond your control. The 'fight or flight' response can be a natural and healthy response to situations that we are directly able to influence. Some of the time, though, you're just along for the ride.

    The trick is learning to distinguish the two. I haven't quite cracked that bit yet, but I think it's a worthwhile mantra.

  9. #269

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Hi, I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for about a month now and I wanted to know how to write a new thread on here please as I am new to it all?

  10. #270
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

    Oh, thank you, you have helped a lot.
    I would like to ask you one thing if you don't mind.
    I did not realize it, just could not understand why I was feeling do ill.
    One symptom which really makes me so very concerned is when I have an argument or discuss some thing I get this feeling of tightness in the top of my tummy which goes up to my throat, it quite frightening.
    I would love your opinion why my Dr wont give me Diazapan even though I would only take one maybe once a week when I am very very anxious, I am very sensible.
    Thank you so much.

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