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Thread: Coming off quetiapine

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Quote Originally Posted by AntsyVee View Post
    when is Tasmania’s rainy season?
    In this part it's between January 1 and December 31st, even more so on the west coast where instead of having the usual 2 heads the native Taswegians have gills. OTOH, much of the east coast has been in drought for years. It is generally dryer anyway because of the rain shadow effect of the central mountains, but ocean warming is now also a factor.

    Is it also Winter? Ours is usually December/January, but global warming has pushed it back to March/April this year lol
    It is supposed to be June, July, August, but there has also been a shift here. In fact winters generally are warmer than they used to be and not that much different from autumn/fall and spring, especially on the east coast. Partly that is just general warming, but there is a current which flows down the length of the east coast of the mainland from the tropical north and now continues further down the island's east coast warming the ocean (and killing the kelp forests ). But it's not all bad news with tasty northern fish now becoming endemic. The NE coast is now beginning to rival Queensland as a trophy sailfish mecca.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Good news about your Aunt and Uncle and also that the funeral brought you some comfort. Bereavement is ghastly when things are "normal" but things must be so much worse when you have a pandemic to contend with too..Keep on making those plans for the Summer when you can commemorate his life as you would wish.
    Thanks, P.
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    It is supposed to be June, July, August, but there has also been a shift here. In fact winters generally are warmer than they used to be and not that much different from autumn/fall and spring, especially on the east coast. Partly that is just general warming, but there is a current which flows down the length of the east coast of the mainland from the tropical north and now continues further down the island's east coast warming the ocean (and killing the kelp forests ). But it's not all bad news with tasty northern fish now becoming endemic. The NE coast is now beginning to rival Queensland as a trophy sailfish mecca.
    Interesting. We have the same type of problems you’re seeing as well. Our ocean is very cold, but the warmer currents reach farther north to us every year. We’re seeing fish and other sea life now that used to be rare here. But it also caused an outbreak of sea lion sickness about a year and a half ago, and they’re still recovering.
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

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