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Thread: Covid-19 discussion thread

  1. #341
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankT View Post
    I don't want to alarm anyone with what I'm saying, but this very much resembles World War II, where people started turning to radicals in the wake of the Great Depression and the Spanish Flu. I fear we're reliving history now; this will not end peacefully.
    I'm not referring to you per se, but this sounds like some kind of fantasy and self-fulfilling prophecy from certain factions of our population, who seem to revel in chaos and crises in general, and then proclaim the proverbial 'I told you so'!!

    These sad cases just seem to use whatever the latest 'crisis' in order to fulfill their radical agendas. We've already seen it all before with Brexit, XR, the EDL/Britain First, etc, ISIS/Al-Queda, the Global Financial Crisis, austerity, chavs, teenage parents, the Iraq war, asylum seekers, benefit scroungers, high petrol prices, and whatever other 'scapegoats' that constitute 'Broken Britain', etc.

    In another year or two once this global CV pandemic has died out, those very same 'factions' will have no doubt moved onto the next big 'crisis'/moral panic to get indignant about, and to inadvertently fulfill their radical agendas.

    On the other hand, it's probably not healthy to keep making like-for-like comparisons with events that happened some 80-odd years ago. The world was a very different place back then and the problems back then of course were products of their time. Of course we should all be learning the lessons of history, and we should also be living in more enlightened times now.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 28-05-20 at 11:32.

  2. #342
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    May 2016

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AntsyVee View Post
    Frankly, I'm torn over the move of the Embassy. One one hand, its a great move to acknowledge Israel's sovereignty, and as you say, a long time coming. On the other hand, it doesn't help the road to peace talks. And Jerusalem is home to three major world religions. Sometimes I wonder if it should just remain neutral. Only time is going to tell on this one.

    But I'll tell you what I don't appreciate. I don't appreciate being called "disloyal" and "unintelligent" by Trump because I choose not to blindly agree with everything he says and does.
    The move to Jerusalem is called keeping one's word, as the previously five presidents did not. And let me turn it around on you, Vee. You say you don't like being called disloyal because you don't agree with everything the president says and does. I would ask do you agree with anything the President says and does? Because there are many out there whose hatred is so off the charts they won't agree with the president even if it's good for them and the country. It's a shame the Democrat run House couldn't come to agreement with the president on some initiatives that would benefit all. Bill Clinton did it with a GOP Congress in 1994 and it led to about eight years of economic growth. Reagan did it with Tip O'Neill. I read the other day that some prominent Democrat said that Joe Biden could kill babies and eat them and he was going to vote for him. So tell me what do you agree with the president on?


  3. #343
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    Mar 2015

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Noivous View Post
    So tell me what do you agree with the president on?
    I’m not American and I would never dream of meddling too much in the politics of another nation, largely because I don’t know enough to offer a valid opinion, but Trump, to me anyway, kind of seems like a bit of a parody these days.

    I do think he’s more scrutinised than Obama, however, who seemed like he could do no wrong. Again, that idea seemed to be portrayed by our media.

    Aside from Trumps policies and, let’s be honest, utter lack of a scientific mind, I absolutely love the way he pronounces the word “China”, and I’m also glad to see someone have the balls to say what we’re all thinking about that regime right now.

  4. #344
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    Dec 2016

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Noivous View Post
    The move to Jerusalem is called keeping one's word, as the previously five presidents did not. And let me turn it around on you, Vee. You say you don't like being called disloyal because you don't agree with everything the president says and does. I would ask do you agree with anything the President says and does? Because there are many out there whose hatred is so off the charts they won't agree with the president even if it's good for them and the country. It's a shame the Democrat run House couldn't come to agreement with the president on some initiatives that would benefit all. Bill Clinton did it with a GOP Congress in 1994 and it led to about eight years of economic growth. Reagan did it with Tip O'Neill. I read the other day that some prominent Democrat said that Joe Biden could kill babies and eat them and he was going to vote for him. So tell me what do you agree with the president on?

    Good question. I approved of his 2017 missile strike on Syria. That was an appropriate move and response. I also approve of several of the anti-piracy measures he's taken again industries in China. Those are the first two off the top of my head. But like I've said before, every president has the good and the bad. There's never any that are 100% on either side. When you evaluate one, you have to weigh them both.

    That said, what do YOU disapprove/disagree about Trump?
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  5. #345
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    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AntsyVee View Post
    Good question. I approved of his 2017 missile strike on Syria. That was an appropriate move and response. I also approve of several of the anti-piracy measures he's taken again industries in China. Those are the first two off the top of my head. But like I've said before, every president has the good and the bad. There's never any that are 100% on either side. When you evaluate one, you have to weigh them both.

    That said, what do YOU disapprove/disagree about Trump?
    What about the tax cuts?

  6. #346
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    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    What about my question?
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  7. #347
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    While I don't normally like the idea of going back to the past, ATM I am having pangs of nostalgia for the long hot summer of 1995 (when I was 18 on my birthday in July that year). No doubt the glorious weather right now is greatly contributing to the reminders of that period. Not only were there no such thing as a global pandemic (and inadvertent lockdowns) at the time, but the Internet was still only in its relative infancy, and with extremely limited capabilities compared to today, so no such thing as smartphones, social media, silly 'memes' and general online tittle-tattle, so all in all, seemed like a more innocent and carefree time, especially as we weren't constantly bombarded with such things.

    Though on the other hand I don't miss a lot of the seedier things that seemed to be far more visible back then, such as endless defacement of public places, teenagers hanging around outside local shops and off-licences during evenings indulging in anti-social behaviour, underage binge drinking (both in pubs/clubs and in the streets, parks, etc) and people still smoking nearly everywhere. Perhaps the advent of smartphones, social media, etc has been responsible for the apparent lessening of those things over the past decade or so.

  8. #348
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Those seedier days you speak of are the same if not worse then back these you get killed for your smartphone and shoes they are drinking and taking drugs more than yesterday year graffiti is everywhere.I have seen first hand what Ice does to young people it is the epidemic that is killing not just the young but folk of all ages.
    The weather here has been the same beautiful sunny days.

  9. #349
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolalee1 View Post
    Those seedier days you speak of are the same if not worse then back these you get killed for your smartphone and shoes they are drinking and taking drugs more than yesterday year graffiti is everywhere.I have seen first hand what Ice does to young people it is the epidemic that is killing not just the young but folk of all ages.
    The weather here has been the same beautiful sunny days.
    Aren't you in Australia? Things might be different over there.

    I haven't heard anything recently about anyone being murdered for their phones and shoes here in Blighty. And the last I read young people here are actually drinking less than ever. Where I live graffiti seems to be far less prevalent now compared to when I was younger, especially in the parks and outside local shops, where it almost seemed to be de-rigueur for teenagers to scrawl for example, 'X & Y woz 'ere 9T5', 'X 4 Y 4 eva', etc all over the place, though I would never have been seen dead doing such a thing!!

  10. #350
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Covid-19 discussion thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    While I don't normally like the idea of going back to the past, ATM I am having pangs of nostalgia for the long hot summer of 1995 (when I was 18 on my birthday in July that year). No doubt the glorious weather right now is greatly contributing to the reminders of that period. Not only were there no such thing as a global pandemic (and inadvertent lockdowns) at the time, but the Internet was still only in its relative infancy, and with extremely limited capabilities compared to today, so no such thing as smartphones, social media, silly 'memes' and general online tittle-tattle, so all in all, seemed like a more innocent and carefree time, especially as we weren't constantly bombarded with such things.

    Though on the other hand I don't miss a lot of the seedier things that seemed to be far more visible back then, such as endless defacement of public places, teenagers hanging around outside local shops and off-licences during evenings indulging in anti-social behaviour, underage binge drinking (both in pubs/clubs and in the streets, parks, etc) and people still smoking nearly everywhere. Perhaps the advent of smartphones, social media, etc has been responsible for the apparent lessening of those things over the past decade or so.
    It was a memorable year for me too Lencoboy, not just for the weather. I had a complete breakdown at the end of 94 into January 95, began attending Mind group meetings, met Mrs F at those meetings who is still my wife, and Everton won the FA Cup. Then my Mum was diagnosed with lung cancer (even though she never smoked) in December 95. So memorable for the good and bad. And I turned 30 that year.

    Yes its amazing to think the internet was largely unheard of in my experience, we got our first computer in 2000.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

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