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Thread: Bleeding after first time..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Bleeding after first time..

    This is a bit embarrassing for me to type. My boyfriend and I started to have sex today and I am a virgin. I have never even used a tampon. It hurt and I got this pain at one point but it wasn’t too bad. And then he looked horrified and informed me that I was bleeding. There was a round circle of blood on the bed. I was horrified and jumped up and ran to the bathroom. My period isn’t due for another week, and I don’t think it’s that. Since then I have just had a bit of blood and it’s mostly light pink when I wipe, but at times there’s been a bit more. I am so afraid now that I have cervical cancer or something horribly wrong. I know that it’s normal for some to bleed after their first time, but mine was during it and so embarrassing and was also quite a bit and not just spotting. It just happened a few hours ago. I don’t really want to ask my mom or run and make an appointment, my anxiety is just through the roof. I had an outer and inner ultrasound in early March for period issues, and all was well.
    Last edited by UserName20; 28-07-20 at 19:48.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Bleeding after first time..


    It’s scary having sex for the first time. Did you use protection?
    It’s SO common to bleed the first time you have sex. It’s most likely your hymen. (Google it).

    If you’re going to try again why not try some lube? It’ll be much nicer for you that way.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    Most people bleed the first time, don't worry 🙂

    When your hymen breaks, there tends to be blood. It should get less from now on and eventually stop completely (though sometimes women bleed a bit during sex for other benign reasons).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    Thank you both!! I felt better reading your responses. I for the most part have stopped bleeding, just a little pink here and there when wiping now. I just think there was quite a bit of blood all over my sheets and his condom and it was so embarrassing. I read somewhere that bleeding after sex can mean cancer, but I know since this is my first time and literally nothing has been in me before that it’s probably just my hymen. He did use a condom and I could definitely feel a bit of pain. I’m just scared to every try again now.😔

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    Hi Username20

    Cervical cancer is almost always caused by the presence of the HPV virus. As you were a virgin then there is no way you could have this virus already, so please put that thought out of your mind. Well done for being sensible and using a condom, and as others said, bleeding is quite normal when its your first time.

    Inanna xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    Thank you! That is very true. I had an internal ultrasound in early March and everything to them looked good then. I didnÂ’t have a Pap smear as I was not 21 or sexually active so they said it was not needed. I did try it again today, I bled again and I couldnÂ’t even enjoy it because I kept asking him if I was bleeding every few seconds. He told me a little bit and wanted to continue, but i immediately freaked out and stopped and jumped off the bed again which I think kind of irritated him how much u was panicking. There was spots of blood all over the sheets and I had to wipe a bit out, kind of like I was on my period but not heavy. Now it is barely bleeding an hour after, just kind of pink when I wipe and a bit in my underwear. That was only my second time and my boyfriend said it seemed like there was less blood than yesterday. I just am so worried. ☹️ I donÂ’t feel comfortable talking to anyone else besides him about it and he doesnÂ’t really say much besides he thinks IÂ’m overreacting. lol. But like I said, Literally nothing has ever been up there, I don’t even use tampons. I did have an internal ultrasound in March because I had issues with irregular periods, but the lady did not put it all the way in because she said I couldn’t tolerate the test. ( I must have been flinching without knowing it)

    Update: I did talk to my mom which was pretty uncomfortable. She kind of seemed confused and then shrugged and said it could just be normal. I even showed her the bed sheets to show her how much blood there was before throwing them in the wash ( very awkward ) and she suggested I make an appointment just because she knows how I am with worrying. So I am set up for a video chat with a gynecologist tomorrow. But I know they can’t do much unless they can examine me, so I feel like a video call won’t reassure me much.
    Last edited by UserName20; 30-07-20 at 04:28.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    I went to the gynecologist today. It was just very embarrassing for me to talk about. She told me she believes it was just my hymen, and especially since I haven’t used tampons or anything. So she went to do an examination and a Pap smear, and she could not do it. She told me I was so tight she couldn’t do it. I was very embarrassed, and now I just feel upset because I want it to stop happening.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    She’s right though, it is not something you need to worry about.
    Can I ask your age? Was it your first internal examination / smear?
    What did she suggest after she couldn’t do it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    I’m 20. My boyfriend and I have been together over 2 years and we were planning on waiting until marriage, and well, after two years we failed on the waiting. She told me that I can buy things online to open me up a bit and suggested I start using tampons to try and help. I know I shouldn’t worry about cervical cancer, but now I’m a bit concerned.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Bleeding after first time..

    Totally normal to bleed the fist few times wondering if there is any update on this and you are feeling better about the situ

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