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Thread: Still bothered by bowels

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Quote Originally Posted by Peetabread View Post
    Nasty gurgling stomach and going as soon as I get out of bed.
    Mine kicked in about 5.30am. Went back to sleep.

    I also re started eating meat again after years and had some diarrhea.
    Evidence for BM change? You started eating meat again - which is harder to digest. This change in diet will absolutely muck about with your bowels. As will anything new you ingest like anti-depressants and iron.

    You need to stop focusing on what your poo looks like as it will naturally differ by the day, in colour, texture, and size. Anxiety will mess with your bowels for sure.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  2. #12

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Thanks for the reply. Yes rational side of me is like, this is side effect of the pills or diet. But today I ate some sushi for lunch and then about an hour later I had really bad diarrhea. So in the last 2 weeks I had diaherra 3 times! There was also some mucus. I feel like I am developing all these cc symptoms and I'm in a total panic. I'm just exhausted s well. I really want to know what's causing all of this. Is it too much to hope these are side effects? Why do they only happen a few times if so? Why do they happen in the middle of the day (I always poo in the morning). some days I feel totally fine but today i feel so gross and shaky and stuff. I'm so worried I'm going to be that case/warning story in the newspaper of "the doctor didnt listen to me."

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Raw fish like Sushi is a no-no with a sensitive digestive system.

    Terrifying yourself is exhausting, and the more you catastrophise - the longer this will go, and the more symptoms you will get.

    Routine goes out the window with a nervous digestive system. I can poo at 4am or whenever. IBS does indeed cause diarrhea, but so can some medications..

    BM routine (and everything else) goes out the window with severe anxiety - it's a lot to do with a faster transit time due to stress. Your body constantly wants to purge itself of poo and wee because it's in the stress response (fight or flight) and it needs to be lighter. It's the correct response albeit to an imagined danger.

    It's more of a case of you not listening to the rational side of your brain, rather than your doctor not listening to you.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #14

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Well things do seem to have settled down. Last 2 weeks mostly my poops have been great. The low fodmap seemed to work well. Slowly experimenting with high fodmaps. I did have softer poo and broken into smaller but still log like peices today after consuming mushrooms and chickpeas. Milder morning urgency but nothing out of control. Shorter log shapes so I'm not sure if I feel better though. I'm worried the low fodmap and anti depressants are hiding a more serious issue like a tumour in my colon, so its made me poop longer and more formed, but still its hiding some obstruction. i don't feel that much better mentally really. The naturopath I saw said this improvment points to issues being part of the brain gut connection and other doctors don't see a issue with bristol 5s but why do other websites call it diarrhea? I'm still worried its hiding something serious. I came across this website called scary symptoms where it basically said a tumour can change position so having normal poop doesnt rule out something serious.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Quote Originally Posted by Peetabread View Post
    Well things do seem to have settled down.

    Last 2 weeks mostly my poops have been great.

    The low fodmap seemed to work well.

    I'm worried the low fodmap and anti depressants are hiding a more serious issue like a tumour in my colon

    so its made me poop longer and more formed, but still its hiding some obstruction.

    I came across this website called scary symptoms.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    "Coming across" websites is a common feature of HA..As if you just happen to see and read the relevant "information" by chance...

    The Lure of Dr Google strikes again!

  7. #17

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Thanks ladies! You're right, I am definitely not thinking clearly and logically. I was actively looking up things I should not be. I think I'm going to give the no Google/staying off triggering websites a very serious go. For real. I wonder if there is an app for phones that can block certain sites or something.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Quote Originally Posted by Peetabread View Post
    Thanks ladies! You're right, I am definitely not thinking clearly and logically. I was actively looking up things I should not be. I think I'm going to give the no Google/staying off triggering websites a very serious go. For real. I wonder if there is an app for phones that can block certain sites or something.
    Think of it as mental self-harm (which is what it is) especially when the site is called 'Scary Symptoms' - the clue is in name.

    The only things you should be Googling is 'how to recover from health anxiety', 'anxiety symptoms', health anxiety success stories, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous response, funny videos of cats, topless pics of Tom Hardy (oops, how did that get there?)

    You can block websites on your phone, but that doesn't address typing symptoms into a search engine, and the problem with a phone is that you can be standing in a supermarket queue and you can be Googling a symptom. I know you can run blocking programmes on computers, and you can mute certain words on social media, but I don't know about phones.

    Ideally there should be a very loud 'WARNING WARNING HYPOCHONDRIA ALERT' tone on the phone whenever you type in a symptom (minus the word, 'anxiety') or 'cancer'.

    Or the phone shuts itself down and refuses to come back on for ten minutes.

    Or the rest of the day.

    Maybe I could design a phone for hypochondriacs?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #19

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Ugh sorry to be a bother again. I just can't get this idea of a change in bowel habits and how that's a sign of ovarian or colon/bowel cancers. Just this morning after I had high fodmap food for supper I had a BM that was kind of urgent and a 4ish but not long peices and they were soft. I really feel like I'm at my wits end here. Its to the point where I want to go to the USA and pay for a colonoscopy. I thought it was improving but now it's like in these smaller sausage logs..why? I was doing good at avoiding triggers but now I'm back in the loop again.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Still bothered by bowels

    Quote Originally Posted by Peetabread View Post
    Just this morning after I had high fodmap food for supper I had a BM that was kind of urgent and a 4ish but not long peices and they were soft.
    If you have IBS and eat foods which are known to irritate the gut - your body will let you know.

    I really feel like I'm at my wits end here.
    I have IBS, and I am in the middle of a flare up because I'm an idiot who has been overdoing the crap of late. I bunged myself onto a low FODMAP a few weeks ago and I've gone from my abdo pain being 8/10 - and what my lovely mum used to call 'the trots' - to a slight niggle in the abdo and some healthy looking turds - and it is just a cursory glance as I flush!

    You have been on low FODMAP, and your digestive system will have appreciated it, and if you felt better, this is more evidence against cancer. It takes time for the gut to heal, and you consumed an irritant, so in all honesty cocker, what do you expect?

    Its to the point where I want to go to the USA and pay for a colonoscopy.
    Well, it's your money...

    I thought it was improving (you were, but you ate some crap) but now it's like in these smaller sausage logs..why? (because lots of things affect poo, like stress and diet...)
    I was doing good at avoiding triggers but now I'm back in the loop again.
    You don't have to be 'back in the loop'.

    You tell yourself that your digestive system is going to play up after introducing a high FODMAP food into the diet after being on low FODMAP. This is logical thinking instead of paying attention to those irrational thoughts of yours.

    See those thoughts for what they are - just thoughts - they're not real, but your body is reacting as if you are dealing in fact. I've said this a million times, but I'll keep saying it - THE BRAIN DOESN'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHAT DANGER IS REAL AND WHAT'S IMAGINED - IT WILL REACT EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.

    Acknowledge those thoughts of bowel and ovarian cancer. I still get them from time to time, but I don't react to them with fear.

    There is no point trying to run from them because they will follow you.

    Recovery from HA isn't in NOT having these thoughts - it's in how we respond to them when we have them..

    So, let them in - and watch these thoughts like you would a toddler having a tantrum - then bring the logical thinking in - which in your case is that you ate high FODMAP food.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

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