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Thread: Horrible weird beats are back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Horrible weird beats are back

    So, this is where my faithful friend Anxiety and I first met - my heart...

    I've posted numerous times on this forum with a wide range of health 'issues' but the one that keeps me so fearful is my heart.

    I don't want to post a huge long story but I started getting ectopics during my last pregnancy in late 2018. I was recorded as getting over 1000 a day. They were the classic PVC - skip and thud. They literally stopped last spring when I started taking citalopram but every now and then I'll get the odd run.

    As I say, I'm rarely bothered by them now but I can set them off if I lie down suddenly or take a really deep breath. However, over the last week I have noticed they have started again and got more frequent. A couple of days I've had a few big thuds which has made me panic but, last night I was sat down after dinner and noticed a couple of skips and thuds and then some fluttering sensations in my throat/neck and when this happens I akways check my pulse and it was doing a weird fluttery thing, almost like a double beat and then a pause. I've had this kind of weird beat loads of times before but it's the one that really scares me. I've had several ECGS, two 24hr holters, a echocardiogram and a 7 day recorder in March this year after I suffered a similar episode. All have come back normal, apart from the odd PVC. I'm sure when the 7 day recorder was on I managed to capture the tail end of one of the fluttery episodes but nothing was reported to me other than it being normal sinus rhythm and cardiology discharged me. If I pressed the button on the monitor just after the episode would it have been recorded?

    For background, I do have very bad anxiety and a stressful life. I have recently just got over a nasty tummy bug that went on a while and left me worried. The dr sent me for all manner of blood tests a couple of weeks ago - FBC, liver, U&E and others I'd never heard of and all came back normal apart from slightly low iron and to increase through diet and re-test in 3 months but they stated I was not anemic. I was anemic during both my pregnancies so I think I may be a little predisposed to a lack of iron. I know anemia can cause palpitations but surely slightly low levels can't?

    I also suffer with reflux and have noticed that the last couple of weeks I've not eaten well at all and I feel very bloated and can feel food kind of trapped in my throat. Could that also cause some of my ectopic problems?

    I am very anxious at the moment with obviously covid and my eldest child returning to school as she's already behind so I worry about her coping at school and then last week I had my smear test and awaiting the results and an nervous because I am carrier of the high risk HPV. The post just came and I literally jumped when I heard it because I am panicking about receiving the results...

    I'm sorry this post is so long but I just hope someone can read it and relate and offer me some support or advice or maybe someone that gets the same fluttery ectopics as well as the more thuddy ones. I hardly slept last night as I had them on and off and they scared me. I feel rubbish today and so tired and I know that makes things worse.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Having a magnesium drink all but sorted my ectopic out. I was actually taking it for constipation, but I realised after a few weeks of taking it that my EB's (and palpitations) had all but stopped. When I researched magnesium - it is good for the heart (calming mineral) and a lot of people are magnesium deficient etc.

    I still get the occasional one, but I just give a cough, and I don't get anymore..

    P. S if you fancy trying the magnesium - check it won't interact with any meds you're on. People don't tend to check herbs, vits and minerals, but some do affect how meds work.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Hi Honeyskye. I feel you. I'm male so can't relate to being pregnant (lol) but...what brought me here now was that I've had a good few missed beats out of the blue and I like to get some reassurance from the forum, which is kind of crazy as I know I'll be fine. I have had palpitations (same sensations you describe) and all the tests (like you) over twenty years. I used to be a wreck. But I don't freak out anymore. I guess visiting a forum for reassurance is a habit, born of being so worries for long. What I wanted to say was...I am certain there is a link between the stomach and my palpitations. The vagus nerve and bloat etc. is well documented so I don't think there is a question that this can't be related. I find that if I burp, I get more palpitations, which goes against what a lot of people say happens (ie burping helps). But clearly this is linked to the movement of air inside and stomach related. Somebody once wrote that palpitations are like turbulence and can't hurt you. Based on what I have read over the decades, and coupled with the fact we are both having a very similar experience, have been tested and are medically fine, we don't need to worry. But we do! I hope that helps in some way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    NoraB: this is great advice. Picking up some magnesium citrate powder in an hour!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Quote Originally Posted by jayke View Post
    NoraB: this is great advice. Picking up some magnesium citrate powder in an hour!
    Word of warning - start low and build up. It's a natural laxative and it will give you the squits if you overdo it.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Hi thanks for those who have posted, I really appreciate your responses and advice.

    Just wondering if anyone else can relate? I'm used to having these ectopics, flutters, etc. but I have gone months without being bothered by them and now all of a sudden they are back again on a daily basis. I was trying to find a link and noticed some months they would be worse the few days leading up to my period but I'm still getting them at other times too. I've just had another big flutter and I'm freaking out. I can't deal with these again.

    I am so anxious all the time and always on edge but surely these can't all be down to anxiety as there are times I don't feel particularly anxious but I still get them seemingly out of the blue and they stop me in my tracks.

  7. #7

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Hi, I can absolutely relate. I have been having them for years now. Sometimes none for a while and then just non stop. Our mind is complicated thing so you will not always feel particularly anxious with ectopics onset.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Quote Originally Posted by Honeyskye View Post

    I am so anxious all the time and always on edge but surely these can't all be down to anxiety as there are times I don't feel particularly anxious
    Yes, they absolutely can be down to anxiety!

    You'll get them even when you don't feel particularly anxious is because those stress hormones are still in your body and there are 'calm' moments (a lull in the storm) when you have severe anxiety. I got as those lulls used to trigger panic attacks simply because I felt ok!

    It's also worth having a look at your diet, as things start to creep back in - like caffeine, chocolate and other stimulants which will cause sensations like these...
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    Thanks all, I really appreciate your insight.

    You're right about the things creeping back in lifestyle wise - I've started having the odd coffee again and glass of wine but don't really get them when I do. And days I don't have these things, I get them....I've been getting a lot of reflux recently. My throat feels clogged and I burp a lot. Sometimes I can feel acid rising in my throat. I know I am highly stressed but I am so used to operating at such a high level of anxiety I don't know what's normal...

    So far this year I've worried about pancreatic cancer, bowel cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, esophagus cancer, covid, DVT and even a bad insect bite...

    I can kind of deal with the standard 'skip thud' ectopic but it's the fluttery ones I don't like as I just don't know what they are or what they represent. They stop me in my tracks and will literally induce so much anxiety that I can feel the adrenaline shoot through me. I literally feel on the edge most of the time.

    All this covid and lockdown doesn't help and I find coming into the autumn and winter increases my anxiety. I feel like I can't live.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Horrible weird beats are back

    The "fluttering double beat and pause" are PACs.

    They are actually much less of an "issue" for the heart to deal with than PVCs. It's really just two very fast normal heartbeats, but it feels horrible to us.

    Most people who get PVCs also have PACs as well. It also doesn't help that the sensation of a PVC and PAC can change.

    But if you feel your pulse and you feel a double beat then pause, it's almost definitely a PAC. Sometimes you can get the "fluttering" in your chest feeling but not feel it in your pulse. It's very annoying.

    You have had extensive testing done on your heart. It's much easier said than done, but I would try not to worry about the strange beats. Just know that literally millions of people have them every day as well.

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