Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
I totally agree that the 'all in this together' thing has now sadly gone out the window and many seem to have stopped caring. And the UK is not alone, the same is also happening across much of mainland Europe.

And those Covidiots can whinge and moan to their heart's content about the restrictions to come in England next week, when they're the ones who essentially asked for them themselves by deliberately failing to stick to the rules.

Now we're all having to suffer because of them!!
I read a while back about psychology is having an effect. For example it’s unnatural for humans not to hug or shake hands. What they are asking is very difficult and not sustainable in the long term. I read a post a while back how most “Corona viruses” settle down into society. A vaccine they say won’t get rid of it it may always be a risk but a small one. Lockdowns are not going to work long term and as time goes on less people will listen.