Sounds like you don't have a lot of support at home at all. Is your Mum supportive in other areas of your life? Being a single parent is stressful for sure, but she still needs to be a Mum.
Well my mum tries her best and she can be really supportive sometimes. But the thing is that she is very strict with me, more strict than she is with my sisters. I guess because i'm a boy she is stricter, i don't know why.

Ok, well the source of your anxiety is pretty clear. It's almost always caused by stress, and that's what you're under...stress.
i don't like school, i really try but i hate it. I try hard to do well but i fall behind and i know that my mum will get mad when i fail and the pressure gets to me and i admit i get very stressed. I like playing football and swimming it helps me to feel less stressed. But when i'm grounded she stops me doing it and lately i can't use the swimming pool because its closed.

I think the support teacher is your first port of call. You need at least one person that you can confide in, and it's possibly worth talking about the pressure you're under at home to do well at school too.
i will go and ask her for an appointment
I would agree that rules need to be adhered to, but I don't think this is a situation where you 'deserve' to be punished, especially when you're not being listened to.
i thought this too, it seemed to me like no one listened and it wasn't fair. But what the teacher and the headmaster both said was that i broke the rules and that was all they were bothered about and when i tried to complain i was told i just have to accept the detentions and learn a lesson from it.
Something I'd like you to try and understand now though is that panic attacks are not dangerous. They feel terrible, but they're just a sensation that can be dealt with and reduced. It's completely normal for you to want to avoid them and worry about having another one, but it's a good idea now to at least accept the idea that even if one does happen, it won't harm you.

You can get a lot of good advice from people here too, so try not to feel too alone in the short term. It's very common!
Thank you i am already glad i came here. Yes i know its true that they are not dangerous even though they are unpleasant and scary. I had chest pains, it makes you think if you're about to have a heart attack but its not true.