Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
But they listen to drill music without batting as much of an eyelid, complete with all of its extreme profanities uttered multiple times and violent subject matter in general perhaps even including the word 'faggot' and various other 'slurs' in its own right.

But still get indignant over a tame-by-
comparison festive classic from 87.

Blatant hypocrisy IMO.
I don't hear much homophobia in UK Drill music. If an artist wants to make it mainstream like Stormzy, or Unknown T, then they can't go down that route. But, as you'll see in a moment they'll do any other crimes.

My brother is a UK Drill producer. He makes the beats for a lot of the UK Drill artists. He's not into the UK Drill lifestyle though. He just makes the music. His management deals with everything else.

I will say that UK Drill rappers generally do live the life they speak about. The scene itself is controlled by those that live the life they speak. Any rappers who don't live the life they speak get "jumped", or "caught slipping" (as they call it). They'll attack, stab and kill rappers who lie.

There's a Youtube channel called Ape Huncho. He's a young adult that covers all the events in the UK Drill scene. There's a lot of murders. A lot of rappers doing time for murder, county lines, child exploitation for drug running and dealing, and other criminal activities.

Take Dutchavelli for example. He's mainstream pop now, but he beat a murder case and brags in his music that he lied and got away with it. Another artist called Richie from Malistrip (Brixton) has murders to his name. They brag about their county lines and all sorts. Police often do use their music against them.

I like the beats. I'm not a fan of the rappers.

Here's the Ape Honcho channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnI...9j3WrAGyBUS5OA ... his voice can get a bit annoying but he does cover public cases in great detail.