Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
For me, this is your real issue. This is why you have health anxiety.

It's common for women to have issues with our bits - lumps, bumps, spotting etc - and it is rarely due to cancer.

I think your GP has given you good advice but you do have the right to a second opinion or to request further testing. It's a question of weighing up what it necessary and what is simply feeding into your HA.

What you shouldn't be doing is Googling because it only ever hypes up anxiety, and no matter what symptoms you put in - Google will come up with cancer.
You're right. That is where my HA and other mental health illness comes from. I couldn't sleep at all last night. Was pacing up and down, my husband kept telling me to come back to bed and I said I can't because I know something bad is going on. He tries to understand my anxiety bless him but I am literally a nightmare when I flare up like this. Right now, I just feel like going to the hospital and demanding tests because this back pain and stomach ache is not going at all. I can't cope anymore, I really can't. 16 years of this crap and I am the worse I've ever been.