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Thread: Postmenopausal bleeding.

  1. #1

    Postmenopausal bleeding.

    Hi everyone.
    Does anybody have any experience with post menopausal bleeding? Any positive stories?

    My 53 year old Mum has not had a period for 18 months. She has had bleeding for 12 days, it has now stopped. She went to her GP who has taken bloods and referred her urgently to gynae and for an ultrasound and the ‘C’ word was mentioned. I have such bad health anxiety and so as you can imagine this news has my mind spiralling and I have a pit of doom inside. I can’t think about anything else.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Postmenopausal bleeding.

    Hi my sister had this couple of months ago she hard early menopause when she was 38 so now she’s 45 she had post menopausal bleeding she said it was just like a period she went to her docs who referred her her to gyno under 2 weeks wait any post menopausal bleeding gets referred as 2ww she got a scan and it showed her lining was thick the gynocologist said 90% of the time it’s nothing
    They offer her hystroctopy but she declined (brave I know, I would have had a mental breakdown and probably paid private to get it done ASAP joys of HA) and see how she gets on and since she’s had no issues so it was just a one off my mother in law had this as well and my friends mum had it as well and there was nothing sinister to worry about.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Postmenopausal bleeding.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBanana View Post
    Hi everyone.
    Does anybody have any experience with post menopausal bleeding? Any positive stories?

    My 53 year old Mum has not had a period for 18 months. She has had bleeding for 12 days, it has now stopped. She went to her GP who has taken bloods and referred her urgently to gynae and for an ultrasound and the ‘C’ word was mentioned. I have such bad health anxiety and so as you can imagine this news has my mind spiralling and I have a pit of doom inside. I can’t think about anything else.
    Your mum is bang on the average age for starting the menopause (51). I was premature with mine but I also had two years of no periods then a bleed. I was fast-tracked and seen within a week but there was no cancer.

    My mother was 65 when she had a bleed, and she did have cancer, but she also had other symptoms. Her tumour was on her ovary and she had a Hysterectomy and was cancer free when she died 7 years later of something else entirely.

    So, two stories - one cancer, one not - both happy endings.

    The C word was mentioned because that's what they are looking to rule out with a post-meno bleed, but it's worst case scenario* and given your mother's age, and the fact that she's just started the menopause, I'd imagine that her issue is like mine was - just one of those things while the body is adjusting to it's new 'normal'.

    * cancer doesn't equal death, as I have shown with my mother..
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #4

    Re: Postmenopausal bleeding.

    Thanks for the replies so far!

    Even google tells me that the chances are higher of it being something not cancer than cancer, but of course for someone with HA the only thing I can think is “well it’s still 10% chance so very possible.”

    My mum is a hypochondriac, always has been, and it’s definitely affected me and made me the way I am. She always jumps to the worst conclusion. It’s always ‘possibly cancer’ whenever she has a medical issue. And that’s my way of thinking about everything too.

    I’m so worried but guess worrying won’t help until we know more. Easier said than done. Hopefully some more people will have some more insights or positive stories for me. 🤞🏻

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Postmenopausal bleeding.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBanana View Post
    Hopefully some more people will have some more insights or positive stories for me. 爛
    I've got a positive tip for you...

    Don't Google is you have HA.

    Also, your mum will only get older and there will be more health 'scares' and issues because that's part of having a body. Our organs (and that's EVERYBODY'S) start declining when we reach our 30s. This is why we are less able to do to our bodies what we did in our teens and twenties..

    You're absolutely right. Worrying won't help either of you, and the effects of this stress will be with you long after this has passed, so what are you doing about your own health anxiety?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #6

    Re: Postmenopausal bleeding.

    Thought I’d come here to give an update!
    She had her scan yesterday and they said they everything looked ok. Thin womb lining, ovaries fine.. So that’s good news! She has received a letter with an appointment to see the gynae but if all looked ok at the ultrasound I’m hoping this is just a follow up/to rule out other non-sinister things.

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