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Thread: bone cancer worry

  1. #1

    bone cancer worry

    a few days ago i noticed there was pain in one specific place at the top of my foot, where there is a slight bump that isn’t there on the other foot. i didn’t think anything of it. yesterday i randomly felt a leg pain in the same leg and touched it to find a hard bump, they don’t necessarily feel like lumps? just bone like bumps on the bone that are painful to touch and there is redness on the area where they are now, but i don’t know if that is because i have touched them quite a bit, despite the redness still being there after 7 hours of sleep. i don’t really remember injuring those parts on the same leg however because of lockdown i haven’t been out to exercise at all and then did a fast walk on the 12th, so 3 days ago? could this have possibly caused them? i am so worried about bone cancer and i don’t know what injury this could be.
    this is my first post so i am sorry if i did it wrong:(

    edit: just an update, for some reason there are 4 more circles of redness on my leg, but not as much redness on the original bump. these red patches hurt when i press them and overall my leg sort of aches. there are 2 of the red circles on my other leg now but they don’t hurt as much. any idea what this could be?
    i counted and there’s 15 of them across both legs where 2 of the 15 are on one foot
    Last edited by beargirl43; 16-01-21 at 18:12.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: bone cancer worry

    Hi, if the 43 in your username refers to your age - you can look forward to lots more of the same with aches and pains - it's simply a side effect of getting older.

    That said, I have a lovely condition called Fibromyalgia - where what you describe is the norm for me. I once couldn't use my wrist for 6 weeks. No injury. Had to wear a support. Then it buggered off. No cancer.

    Why are you worrying about cancer? What else is happening in your life, and to who? As in, is someone you know, or close to you, ill?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3

    Re: bone cancer worry

    thanks for the reply,
    i’m actually a teenager, the 43 is just a random number. i will have a look at that condition thank you.
    i’ve always been anxious and my health anxiety developed over the past 2 years. it mostly ranged from worrying about lymphoma, appendicitis, brain tumours, throat cancer and a bone cancer worry 1 year ago and now this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: bone cancer worry

    As a teen, your age alone dismisses those cancer concerns. Are you seeking help for your HA?

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5

    Re: bone cancer worry

    thank you, i am trying to distract myself but it’s hard. i thought my age would make it more likely and that it’s 2 bumps with redness but i just hope it’s an injury that will go away soon. it’s completely different to the bone cancer worry i had a year ago where my other leg’s knee was constantly hurting, it went away when i forgot about it funnily enough, but occasionally hurts a bit so i probably strain it if i exercise too much.
    i don’t know what to do about it, i am getting better and am able to rationalise with myself usually but this time it just feels different, like a genuine fear where i don’t know what else it could be. it definitely got worse because of lockdown, starting in june, but got better from around september, and now spiralling again:(

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: bone cancer worry

    Of course no one can begin to guess or diagnose. I'm a cancer survivor and I know that cancer in teens is rare. The statistics alone bear that out. But if you're that concerned, see your doctor. That said, a discussion about your anxiety would be prudent as well. I have a daughter that suffers from anxiety and depression. She came to me and told me what was going on in her late teens. I, along with her mother made sure she got the professional help she needed. She's 27 now. She takes meds and goes to therapy. She has her moments but works hard and is doing well. If you can speak with your parents about it, please do so. If not, speak to your doctor. Better to start dealing with it now than allow it to control your life.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #7

    Re: bone cancer worry

    i am so sorry, i hope you and your daughter have a happy and healthy future ahead.
    they do know, yes, but just blaming it on lockdown. this time around in this lockdown i am trying to stop it putting my life on hold, where i am still trying to do what makes me happy in the meantime, because i have found that it has just been that- anxiety. i am just hoping this is the same case aswell, i try to tell myself that i have never been right about my health worries.
    the redness has disappeared now after leaving it alone mostly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: bone cancer worry

    Quote Originally Posted by beargirl43 View Post
    thanks for the reply,
    i’m actually a teenager, the 43 is just a random number. i will have a look at that condition thank you.
    i’ve always been anxious and my health anxiety developed over the past 2 years. it mostly ranged from worrying about lymphoma, appendicitis, brain tumours, throat cancer and a bone cancer worry 1 year ago and now this.
    Ah, ok, so your age alone makes cancer a lot less likely. Also, I always look for a connection - a logical cause of a symptom and I can see one with you straight away - which is that you hadn't done any exercise throughout lockdown - then you did a power walk? Your muscles hadn't been worked for a long time and then you suddenly pushed them hard, so I'm not at all surprised that you have aches and pains now!

    My HA developed in childhood - a lot earlier than my teens - and I only learned how to control it within the last few years, and I'm 50. If I knew about anxiety then, what I know now, I could have saved myself a mental breakdown, so you need to get some help for this.

    I'd be interested to know a little history from you as my HA came about due to my grandad who had breathing issues. Do you have anybody close to you who is in ill health? Or a parent who has HA themselves? Some people think this isn't important, but I think it helps to understand things..
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #9

    Re: bone cancer worry

    i hope so, i was quite okay yesterday after i posted on here in a helpless panic, but i think some of these comments have helped me. i think i’m just trying to think positively and trying not to obsess.
    slightly worried that the foot bump hurts more than it did last night where i thought it was getting better, but with some muscle pains i’ve found that usually is the case for some reason:(

    it started in summer 2019 literally a few months after someone i knew being diagnosed with cancer, them being so healthy and it was so unexpected i think it shook me and then my first worry was appendicitis, because i was scared of the pain when it was just a pulled stomach muscle. i worry about losing people i love. in maybe july/august 2019 was worrying about a brain tumour due to constant headaches which was actually caffeine withdrawal. then in november 2019 was the bone cancer worry i described earlier. i think i was fine until june 2020 when i found a weird looking mole but found out it was fine. end of june was throat/tonsil cancer worrying. july 2020 was a lymphoma worry that has came and went ever since that i have to reassure myself i’m fine every time. i think up until now it’s just been going back to worrying about lymphoma and tonsil cancer.
    i don’t want this to lead my life, i dread getting older knowing i’m more at risk for certain cancers, and i will no longer have my age to convince me i am fine (except for some cancers more common in children)
    i want to be able to have something wrong with me and my first thought not be cancer.

  10. #10

    Re: bone cancer worry

    just an update, for some reason there are 4 more circles of redness on my leg, but not as much redness on the original bump. these red patches hurt when i press them and overall my leg sort of aches. there are 2 of the red circles on my other leg now but they don’t hurt as much. any idea what this could be?
    edit: i counted and there’s 15 of them across both legs where 2 of the 15 are on one foot
    Last edited by beargirl43; 16-01-21 at 18:11.

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