The swallowing issue subsided relatively quickly.

It has since been replaced with acid reflux issues (or so my doctor says) that are the bane of my existence. I’ve had a sore, red throat for weeks on end now with red patches/spots there. No doctor seems concerned by them and a few have seen them so maybe that should be ok. My chest hurts in the middle when I swallow some foods. This seems to have coincided with the worst hay-fever I’ve ever had too. My eyes are so red and nose is ever-so runny after going outside for only a while. I’m on meds for the stomach acid issue and tbh they don’t seem to be doing anything for it. I’ve tried sleeping on my left side now for the last few weeks instead of my back, but given it is so hot, we’ve been sleeping with the air conditioning on and that can’t be doing my red throat any good either.

Meh… I had my Covid vaccine about 5 weeks ago and I’ve not felt right since then. Part of me feels this is mostly all down to anxiety and a lot of the symptoms I’m experiencing are psychosomatic, the other part of me is always thinking about the ‘what if’.

How are you Worryguts? Has it also subsided for you too?