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Thread: Sertraline Noob

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Sertraline Noob

    Hello, been prescribed sertraline 50mg for Anxiety(I am not depressed), horrible feeling I have taken this before about 25 years ago and I had a horrendous reaction and had suicidal thoughts but its so long ago I cannot remember if it was this or Fluoxetine

    Anyway, is 50mg to much to start with - should I snap in half as am totes paranoid about reaction, especially as I had a bad reaction to the AZ COVID jab recently.


    PS Is it ok to take Nexium and Imodium on this med, I have to take both quite often. I did not make doc aware of this but he was very quick to issue pills so did not have much of a convo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Hi there; B..

    I guess I'm wondering why you were put on Zoloft if you aren't depressed? I'm not trying to pry or be too forward and want to respect your privacy.

    To tell you the truth, the difference between 25MG and 50 to start isn't much of a difference, not that you couldn't try if you want to do that and see. I had a awful reaction to mirtazapine and know what that is like - it was scary.

    Hang in the as panic_down_under will likely offer up sound advice for you.

    Be well.

    EDIT: Oh, I just read your other thread so I presume you were prescribed this for your headaches.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Was prescribed it as I have severe anxiety at moment, so cannot drive on a motorway without starting to panic, was having bad anxiety over presenting to a group of 20 people at work. Cant drive up hills in a car, have a fear if heights. Thought I was going crazy the other night losing my mind. Apparently small doses of sertraline or citalopram can help with this. I was also given propaopol to help with physical panic symptoms but my resting heart rate is 55 to 60 as I'm a keen runner so the idea of slowing my heart rate down further is scary.

    If I did not have this 3 week headache I suspect my anxiety may not be presenting quite as bad as it is. Think I'll speak to doc again tomorrow. I had the astra zeneca vaccine 11 days ago and advice is if you have a headache after 4 days to get checked out so suppose I should in case.

    Thanks for replying too

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Quote Originally Posted by EnoughAlready View Post
    Hello, been prescribed sertraline 50mg for Anxiety(I am not depressed), horrible feeling I have taken this before about 25 years ago and I had a horrendous reaction and had suicidal thoughts but its so long ago I cannot remember if it was this or Fluoxetine

    Anyway, is 50mg to much to start with - should I snap in half as am totes paranoid about reaction, especially as I had a bad reaction to the AZ COVID jab recently.
    25mg should be the starting dose for anxiety disorders and given your possible past reaction I would cut the prescribed dose in half for the first week, however, you should get your GP's okay first.

    Is it ok to take Nexium and Imodium on this med, I have to take both quite often. I did not make doc aware of this but he was very quick to issue pills so did not have much of a convo
    There is no interactions. Be aware that both constipation and diarrhoea are potential initial SSRI side-effects.

    but my resting heart rate is 55 to 60 as I'm a keen runner so the idea of slowing my heart rate down further is scary.
    Be cautious when first taking the beta-blocker, but it probably won't drop your heart rate that much. Also, while 60-100 bpm has long thought to be the normal range adult resting heart rate many cardiologists now think that is too high with 50-70 bpm being the ideal range. Fwiw, I'm on meds to lower my BP to lower than normal after a lung lobectomy and my usual resting rate is 48-50 bpm. I'm not having any problems.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Quote Originally Posted by Scissel73 View Post
    I guess I'm wondering why you were put on Zoloft if you aren't depressed?
    Anxiety and depression are driven by the same underlying brain changes so ADs work for both. SSRIs are actually more effective anxiety meds than they are anti depressives.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Thank you for that clarification, my anxiety has been bad lately so I'm wondering if my AD is doing its job ... I've been struggling sooo very hard to reduce my benzo usage, but with little luck, though, I'm still doing well compared to before.

    I hope things start to improve for you; B, and you have better luck this time with your medication.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , Australia.

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Starting Sert was the worst 6 weeks ever for me.
    I did 25mg for a week then upped to 50mg.
    Was on it for a while then changed to Lexapro.
    Not every one is the same but I found the Lexapro much better and has less side effects for me.
    Don't believe everything you think.

    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Quote Originally Posted by Scissel73 View Post
    Thank you for that clarification, my anxiety has been bad lately so I'm wondering if my AD is doing its job ...
    How much escitalopram are you taking now and how long have you been at that dose?

    I've been struggling sooo very hard to reduce my benzo usage, but with little luck, though, I'm still doing well compared to before.
    Struggling because of the anxiety, or because of withdrawal? If anxiety, I suggest you demand your GP prescribes an alternative because BZDs inhibit the mechanism by which ADs work, plus dealing with withdrawal symptoms won't help your recovery either. Alternatives include hydroxyzine, mirtazapine and maybe beta-blockers if you're having flight-or-fight adrenaline surges.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    I've ended up going back to doc and getting citalopram instead. I'm almost certain lustral as I knew it 20 years ago gave me serious suicidal thoughts. Doc was understanding and has switched me to 10mg cit. Will start them over the weekend.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Sertraline Noob

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    How much are you taking now and how long have you been at that dose?

    Struggling because of the anxiety, or because of withdrawal? If anxiety, I suggest you demand your GP prescribes an alternative because BZDs inhibit the mechanism by which ADs work, plus dealing with withdrawal symptoms won't help your recovery either. Alternatives include hydroxyzine, mirtazapine and maybe beta-blockers if you're having flight-or-fight adrenaline surges.
    Thank you for your concern. I believe its likely both anxiety and WD - I'm at .25mg 3 times a day from double that, but I just can't seem to function well without it ... I've tried to cut back and my agoraphobia gets difficult. I recall you said it's a vicious cycle I'm in. Ugh, I'll keep trying, I guess. I'm now on 10mg of escitalopram and my APRN wants to increase at some point, but its the same issue; even though I'm not sexually active, I don't like being "dead" either, so we're gonna take it slowly this time, and I will consider your thread discussing this side effect. Because of my cardiac condition(s), they wouldn't want to put me on something to cause issues - seeing I'm on several medication (blood thinner - blood pressure - statin).

    Quote Originally Posted by EnoughAlready View Post
    I've ended up going back to doc and getting citalopram instead. I'm almost certain lustral as I knew it 20 years ago gave me serious suicidal thoughts. Doc was understanding and has switched me to 10mg cit. Will start them over the weekend.
    Good luck to you as I'm on basically the same medication, and thus far haven't felt suicidal.
    Last edited by Scissel; 01-05-21 at 17:35.

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