During my monthly breast exam I found a lump. Cue panic! Went to my GP who said it "feels like fibrous tissue" but said that she knows I struggle with my anxiety so would I like a mammogram? I said yes. Called to book the appointment and they said they cannot be performed on breastfeeding women but scheduled me for an ultrasound.

I had the ultrasound today. The tech had to keep asking me where I felt the lump, so I took that as a somewhat good sign that she wasn't seeing anything.

But then she switched to near my armpit and next thing I know there is a blob on the screen and she is taking a measurement of it. There's that panic again. Why is she measuring? What is she measuring? This can't be good!!! She says I will get results in 3-4 days

Meanwhile, I have been having pain in my left side, in the area between breast and armpit. I had assumed it was my costocondritis flaring. I have struggled with it for years. It hurts in myefr shoulder blade, too. But now I'm worried that that isn't the cause of the lIn and that it's related to whatever was being measured!

Now I am going to be anxiously awaiting news from my doctor and fearing the worst.