I have had a hoarse voice for the last 4 months. I have pretty bad seasonal allergies so I’ve put it off as that. However I’ve noticed that literally no allergy medicine helps and my voice hoarseness has only gotten worse. At times in the middle of a sentence mg voice cuts out completely. I have random ear pressure off and on and same with sore throat. I can be fine for a week with the ear pressure and sore throat and then it hits. A dry cough off and on. I also have lost nasal drip often that no allergy medicine dried up.
I have been doing so well regarding my health anxiety but have been getting frustrated due to my hoarse voice cutting out so often and decided to Google.
Big mistake as I now see horrible stories of throat cancer. Has anyone else had this issue with a hoarse voice for so long and it turned out not to be anything sinister?
I am a 39 almost 40 year old woman and have never smoked a day in my life. Also o do drink alcohol a few times a week socially. I’m trying so hard not to spiral here and I have made an appointment with my doctor but because of Covid it’s only a phone appointment.