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Thread: Worried about my mum !!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Worried about my mum !!! Updated

    Hi all, just a quick question as with most HA sufferers sometimes we worry about others health as well and I’m one of them. I really worry about my family’s health especially after my dad died. So back in 2018 my mum had her gall bladder removed and after that she still got stomach ache. It was put down to not having a gall bladder hence acid reflux. Fast forward since the last few months she’s not been feeling too good and constantly tired .gp ran a lot of tests and in between she has now even got diagnosed with kidney stones. Any how she went to see her gp yesterday and she was advised she has low iron and b12 deficney and because she’s 68 the NICE guidelines state the gp should recommend endoscopy and colonoscopy to test for internal bleeding, this has been done under 2 week rule for my mum. My question is can people over 60 have low iron and it not be anything sinister and also do they sort of give you results straight away if all
    Is ok ? Any help would be appreciated, already lost my dad so just wishing my mum is ok
    Last edited by Sunshinegirl82; 21-12-21 at 19:56. Reason: Update

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Worried about my mum !!!

    My mum had low iron for a long time, I'm trying to remember exactly what, but basically I think her body couldn't store it. She was on iron tablets for a long time and then she had infusions laterly. I think she benefited most from the infusions. They did want to refer her for an endoscopy etc too but she refused to go, she said that she'd had low iron for years and if she'd been bleeding internally she'd be dead by now, so she thought it unnecessary.

  3. #3

    Re: Worried about my mum !!!

    Both my Mum and my mother-in-law had low iron when they were in their 60s. My Mum had iron tablets, no investigations, and lived to age 94. Mum-in-law had to be admitted to hospital for a blood infusion. She lived to 88. So yes, people in their 60s can have low iron, and not necessarily be anything serious. Hope this is the case with your Mum.

  4. #4

    Re: Worried about my mum !!!

    My mum had low iron counts for a while, they went back to normal and been fine since, she never did get an answer. She's also had endoscopies and colonoscopy as well, and had the results afterwards. She did have polyps in her bowel and they were all removed during the colonoscopy and sent away for tests and were fine, that took a bit longer but that was expected. I was so anxious during all this because your mind does jump to "it must be something sinister if they're doing this" but they need to rule things out, it's not necessarily because they believe it's something sinister going on if that makes sense.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Worried about my mum !!!

    Thank you for all your replies, my mum had an appointment with gastro specialist who said the even though her iron is low it’s not that alarmingly low either it should be around 125 and hers was 114. Also her stool test came back showing no trace of blood so i guess that is a positive. She is now booked in for her endoscopy and colonoscopy on the 21st December so hoping that all goes well, just so anxious and worried can’t wait till it’s all over I’m having everyone at mine on Christmas Day and I can’t even concentrate on planning anything as I’m so worried.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Worried about my mum !!!

    UPDATE.. just incase anyone was following this, so my mum had her endoscopy and colonoscopy today, they found some grade 1 hemoroids and a bit of diverlictius. Everything else was normal so on the report it says that the 2W cancer referral gateway is closed and nothing more to do

    As for the endoscopy everything looked normal however they took 4 d2 biopsies from the second part of the duedonum, on that report it says the 2W referral continues I questioned this and she said even though it’s all looks good and it says normal on the report as she’s anemic hence the referral we will take some biopsies. Although I’m nervous about them biopsies I’m taking away the positives that they said nothing alarmingly wrong and no signs of cancer, she said sometimes they taken to check for infections etc as well, basically for things that they can’t see with a naked eye

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2021

    Re: Worried about my mum !!!

    Thanks for letting us know how your mum got on. Great to have some positive news. I’m sure they are just being extra careful by taking some biopsies.

    Now try and relax and enjoy Christmas x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Worried about my mum !!!

    That all sounds very reassuring and her iron is pretty borderline really and could well be normal for her.

    I think you can start concentrating on Christmas Day now and I hope you all have a lovely day!0

    (I'm 63 and my haemoglobin is always between 115 and 120 which is my normal).

    The B12 deficiency may be making her feel washed out? Supplements could well help her feel better.

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