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Thread: What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

    I'm a long time member here (10+ years) and the last months I'm not doing well. I got back into medication (sertraline) 5 weeks ago, but it's not kicking in yet and I'm not sure if it will work. Unfortunately I've been on/off them a few times and it doesn't help.

    I manage a business and last 6 months have been difficult with a few things going bad. Now it's going a little better, but I can't stop thinking of worst case scenarios, starting with not being able to deliver projects in time, then not getting paid, going bankrupt and even down to authorities finding irregularities and imagining myself in prison :( As you all know, thinking rationally this isn't very likely, but not being able to rule it completely out, I can't get it out of my mind. Of course as a result I'm not sleeping well, have low mood / motivation, etc. which make everything worse.

    I know there's no silver bullet, but what has any of you helped in overcoming such thoughts? CBT hasn't worked for me, so anything else?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

    I was going to say CBT to change your thought patterns, but you say that hasn't worked before. When I had a course of sessions last year I kind of had to adapt it a bit to suit me, when I first started it just didn't seem to do anything. Would it be worth revisiting?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

    I don't really believe in CBT, so not optimistic about that...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

    for me it's been the holy trinity of medication, therapy and, most importantly, exercise. will never forget how bummed i was to learn that people weren't lying about the benefits of exercise for your mental health. now it means i have to do it all the time, and i am not a huge fan. but it really has been transformative for me.

    i can't see myself ever going down the CBT route, but reading about its roots was helpful for me, and fully understanding that the things i do frantically to try to make my anxiety go away are actually making it worse.

    can definitely relate to your specific line of thinking tho, i have a mate who always goes down the "i will lose everything and end up in jail" rabbit hole, and i've had some similar ones.

    good luck mate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

    Thank you conan. I'm in similar position regarding CBT and exercise. I can't find a way to overcome the initial phase of getting myself in the routine of exercise. First because I've never been into exercise and second because it's difficult to get started. In the morning I have low energy, then I work, in afternoon I'm tired, so can't really find a time that would work. Any tips on that? I've seen so many people saying that it helped (although still skeptical), it must be worth it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

    well, that's definitely the hardest part. im terrible at mornings, i wake up tired and usually anxious, and afternoons are busy with kids and stuff, so i got into going for walks or runs in the evening, after dinner. this is helped by getting into some good podcasts and music, and my evening walks or runs are "me time" when i can listen to stuff, and i find it quite peaceful and ultimately relaxing. of course, i'm shattered when i get home at 9 or so, so i usually drink a load of water and crash into bed at 10ish. but i sleep well having used the last of my energy, and have learned to really enjoy this time.

    of course, i know the idea of exercising in the evenings is a total non-starter for a lot of people so i understand if this isn't helpful.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: What has helped you with negative intrusive thoughts?

    Thank you. Yes, finding the proper time and the motivation to do it is the hardest part.

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