Quote Originally Posted by JustBenn View Post
Hi there, I am age 28, male, I am overweight, 15.5 stones, i work at retail so on my feet all day but diet is pretty awful

I over did it yesterday with the mini chocolate flapjacks, I ate the whole thing. Must have been 15.
I have been known to scoff my own weight in chocolate and crisps but anxiety keeps the weight down for me...

This morning as I was waking up from sleep I felt a sudden numbness on the left part of my forehead which lasted 5 seconds, I am worried it could have been a mini stroke, or a transient ischaemic attack. I was able to carry on normally and drive to work afterwards and I feel ok but the anxiety is making me wanna throw up, can't stop thinking about what that was.

Can anyone please help or tell me if I'm being silly and share your experiences. many thanks
I've had numerous strokes (all imaginary) including an episode where I woke up (suddenly) and momentarily thought I'd had a stroke and lost my sight. In reality I was wearing my blackout eye mask and my Kool Strip (which I'd gone to sleep wearing) had slipped down and was attached to my cheek. (which felt weird)

This doesn't sound like stroke to me as there would be a lot more going on and you don't have those symptoms, but if you're worried speak to your GP..