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Thread: Currently on vortioxetine and thinking about going back to lexapro

  1. #1

    Currently on vortioxetine and thinking about going back to lexapro

    Hey all,

    Okay so im currently on 15mg of vortioxetine for about 11months or more.
    I take this for GAD, however I have noticed recently that my mood is okay but my anxiety isn't so great.
    Im extremely fatigued and lack motivation to get out and jog or cycle. When I get home I make excuses not
    to get off the sofa and get out exercising. Ive put on weight and have a massive belly.

    I remember I took lexapro in the past and my anxiety was gone and I had loads of energy and I was at a really
    healthy weight. I remember lexapro giving me the get up and go motivation. It was brilliant but the reason why
    I stopped it was the non existent libido!
    To me this is a big thing in case I find a girlfriend I won't be able to have a proper relationship.
    My GP said to up the dose of vortioxetine or sacrifice my libido.

    Im really at a crossroads and don't know what way to turn

    Any thoughts people?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Currently on vortioxetine and thinking about going back to lexapro

    Quote Originally Posted by irishman7 View Post
    Im really at a crossroads and don't know what way to turn
    Increasing the dose to the recommended maximum 20mg is worth a shot, imo. If it works, great and if it doesn't you'll soon know.

    I stopped it was the non existent libido!
    This is a potential side-effect of most ADs. There are ways of managing AD induced sexual dysfunction. If sexual dysfunction hasn't been an issue with vortioxetine then supplementing a SSRI with the 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist buspirone (Buspar) would be worth a try if your GP will prescribe it as vortioxetine is essentially a SSRI with 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist properties.

    If you decide to switch away from vortioxetine then consider taking citalopram instead of escitalopram. While they share the same active drug they don't always produce the same side-effects, or to the same severity, and you might get lucky.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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