Re: Can you increase and then decrease Lexapro during stressful times?

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Can you move up to 20mg for 6 months and then taper back to 15, and 10mg after that? Or is it a scenario that once you climb higher you're stuck there?
Yes, you can up the dose as stress increases and wind it back as it diminishes. Basically, the med is in a tug-of-war with stress hormones. As hormone levels increase you may need to up the med dose to prevent and reverse a resulting loss of brain cells in the hippocampal regions which manifests as anxiety and/or depression. However, don't drop the dose below 10mg/day.
Also, I wouldn't increase the dose to 20mg in one step. A week at 15mg will help limit the intensity of any side-effects. Also, you should get your GP's, or psychiatrist's okay before changing the dose, up or down.
The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.