Quote Originally Posted by Deepseathree View Post
I’m at a point in life where I realize that I’m better off with them at the moment. I don’t suffer panic attacks anymore or anything of that nature. It’s just the constant feeling of being uptight that I feel isn’t normal. It’s normal for me, but I know it’s not how I should feel.
Did the feelings of being uptight diminish when you were last on fluoxetine?

So I’m jumping back on as it’s one I’ve been off and on the most and that I feel I tolerate the best.
Going on and off ADs may not be wise as there is good evidence that their effectiveness may drop significantly each time they are discontinued and restarted eventually leading to poop-out [1].

I want to start Prozac, but I’m worried about starting if this is an arrhythmia. Though it’s not even known if it is.
Have you discussed this with your doctor or psychiatrist? If so, what was their thoughts?

Amsterdam JD, 2016 and Amsterdam JD, 2009, found the likelihood of antidepressants working after each restart drops by between 19-25% (see also: Bosman RC, 2018; Amsterdam JD, 2009; Leykin Y, 2007).