Hi all,

I have been poorly for a couple of days now. I started with classic Covid symptoms of cough and a fever. I am on day 3 of fever and the cough only rarely comes. It's a mad cough where I have to cough 'dramatically' and then it's fine. I can taste things but stuff tastes weird. I have a stuffy and snotty nose (sorry tmi).

I have had Covid before but I didn't feel the same. I did a test yesterday and it was negative! So, what on earth is this thing? I am worrying my head off that it is deadly flu or deadly Covid (that hides from a test and gets worse suddenly) and losing my grip on it all. As in typical HA fashion I worry it is something deadly. I hate the worry of being sick.

I have called the nhs 111 and they have booked me in for a gp appointment in the morning. The doctor was happy that I don't need to rush to be seen unless things get worse.

I will try to distract myself. Just wanted to vent/share and any support is much appreciated 💜💜💜