Hi its me again
I was also wondering if anybody had had ECT treatment..some say it can be very effective in stopping the fear/ panic cycle, and enable you by erasing shorterm memory, to forget the fear. I have only been ill for 3 months but am considering already. I know its usually a 'last resort' thing, but the last psychiatrist I saw said he would be prepared to give me a course. I think because my anxiety and fear have been relatively recent, maybe the loss of short term memory would erase tje initial fear that brought on the cycle?? Sounds scary, but I have talked to Nurses wh say it imuch more gentle than it used to be, the old images of ppeople jerking and convulsing,just doesn't happen. You have a mild twitching. Of course I am not a psychiatrist and would not advocate this for anyone else. Although I'm a psychiatric nurse I'm strictly speaking about my own situation, and was just hoping for some ideas?
Kind regards

Hayley x