So we took our fur baby to the vets today. Over the last couple of weeks she has been drinking more and peeing more (asking to go rather having accidents, she's 13 this month so does have the odd slip up). I guess due to working with a lot of diabetics (human, not dogs) I started to think that it might be that. So I rang them yesterday and got an appointment for this morning and managed to get a pee sample to take with me. They gave her a full check up and said she hasn't got an infection, but when they tested her pee they said it was showing signs that her kidneys aren't working as they should. She has to go back on Tuesday for a full blood test.

I'm feeling incredibly fragile and emotional about it. She is such a sweetheart and such a good dog I really don't want anything bad to happen to her or for her to suffer in any way. Things are complicated by my sister too. She is wanting to give up her dog, who is 2 1/2. I'm very fond of him and when she thought she might have to give him up a year ago I said I would have him rather than him going into a shelter. The problem is that she has never properly trained him or disciplined him, so he has turned into a rather naughty boy. My husband feels that he's been left for too long without any training and so will take a lot of time (which to be honest we haven't got) to help him become the dog he could be.

So as well as worrying about my girl, I'm now really upset that we can't help my sisters dog. But to be honest, it would be incredibly unfair on ours if she isn't well, I want her to be happy in her last years and not run ragged by a dog with a tendency to misbehave and needs a lot of attention to train him.

Feeling a little overwhelmed and upset by it all.