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Thread: Coughing up blood

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Coughing up blood

    For two weeks I have been coughing up small amounts of spotty red blood. This has never happened before.

    I have been suffering from throat clearing/coughing for around two years. I had a chest x ray a year ago which was normal and it kind of put that to rest and I never really went back( even though I still was bringing up stuff but wasn’t bloood) and they assumed it was asthma. but now I’m freaking out because why has this happened?
    I just really can’t be bothered to deal with this anymore and ask my doctor about another thing. I don’t understand how this many things in my body feel not right all at once.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Coughing up blood

    I think anything that involves blood warrants a check-up. Don't get me wrong, it could be any number of things! Since you've had a long time of throat clearing and coughing, it's most likely throat irritation.
    A friend of mine was coughing up blood and he's a heavy smoker so we were all really worried, but after chest x-rays it turned out to be just irritation from a cold he had and where he coughed a lot. So it's most likely that.
    But I really don't think your doctor would be annoyed with you coming in about another thing if it's something like this. I think it's always best to be safe when it comes to blood.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: Coughing up blood

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkling_Fairy View Post
    I think anything that involves blood warrants a check-up. Don't get me wrong, it could be any number of things! Since you've had a long time of throat clearing and coughing, it's most likely throat irritation.
    A friend of mine was coughing up blood and he's a heavy smoker so we were all really worried, but after chest x-rays it turned out to be just irritation from a cold he had and where he coughed a lot. So it's most likely that.
    But I really don't think your doctor would be annoyed with you coming in about another thing if it's something like this. I think it's always best to be safe when it comes to blood.
    Thank you for replying.

    I have been this morning and they have got me straight away for a chest x ray this afternoon and new bloods for something to do with your lungs tomorrow.she did say it wasn’t normal and especially not combined with my weight loss which has also sent me spiralling.

    They are also referring me to the respiratory people after they get my chest x rays back.
    This is obviously causing me loads of anxiety as I really can’t explain it away as a health anxiety thing and I’m just worried it’s something sinister I have been ignoring for ages but I guess if my chest x ray was clear last year it should hopefully be something new and early (obviously me trying to rationalise)

    The doctor didn’t really know what it could be since my x ray last year was fine. She said she didn’t want to expose me to loads of radiation at only 25 so that’s why she is referring me. My chest is fine when she listens so sort of rules out asthma so now I’m very stressed. My sisters dad has pulmonary fibrosis and I’m worried I have the same thing but I’m trying to be rational that they would have seen that when they looked at my chest 12 months ago since it’s the same cough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Coughing up blood

    Yeah, I know it's hard not to spiral but try not to. Not everything is caused by anxiety, but it can be caused by something minor and it gives us major anxiety!
    I think it might still just be some damage from constant throat clearing. But I'm glad you went to your GP anyway.
    Keep us updated and sending you calming vibes x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: Coughing up blood

    I had my bloods taken yesterday( they had to try 8 times to find the vein I was quite literally a pin cushion by the end) and the x ray on Monday.

    How soon do people think they would contact if anything is wrong?
    I believe the x rays were put through as urgent which is why I got them the same day.
    I know the bloods wouldn’t be done already but I’m assuming they would have got the x ray by now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: Coughing up blood

    My chest X ray and Lung function bloods(not sure actually what they were) came back normal but they are still referring me to the respiratory team at the hospital.

    Does a clear x ray rule out lung cancer for the most part?
    What other tests can they even do?
    I’m stressed about what other tests I’ll have to have at the hospital.

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