I'm not American, but a big America lover! Would love to move there.
I will say this, I obviously don't have the perspective of being on the inside. But did Trump really do anything during his presidency?
I feel like he didn't do anything, good or bad. No, I take that back. The bad thing he did was appoint a bunch of conservatives as supreme court justices who are now reversing laws and setting the US back to the 50s! And his treatment of illegals coming across the border.

But aside from that, it was a lot of talk but no action. He played a lot of golf. Didn't do much running of the country. I dread him coming back too. Don't get me wrong. The world doesn't want him back either.
But I hold on to the fact that it'll be another 4 years of nothing, and then we're done with him.

Just came back to add: I do think his supporters make the country way worse! Racism and bigotry is a lot more out in the open with him in charge. That said, it's always there anyway. He just brings it out in people.