Hi all,

I'm struggling a lot with acid reflux at the moment and was wondering if anyone could help. I am planning on getting a drs appointment, but the next ones aren't for a month and I'm away for 2 weeks then so it'll be 6 weeks before I can speak to them.

I've been taking esomaprazole which does make it go away, but it also made me constipated and feel a bit dizzy so don't want to keep taking it.

My anxiety has been quite bad this year after a minor operation which my HA struggled with (unrelated to acid reflux), then a stressful situation where I was stuck on a road in an avalanche and I've been travelling a lot and don't think my nervous system has had much chance to relax. Presuming this could be the underlying cause?

I'm trying to manage it with diet, and while I'm fine with cutting out fried foods and booze I unfortunately like spicy food, coffee and chocolate a lot!

Does anyone know if smoothies can cause it? I thought yesterday was quite a good eating day but did have a banana, pineapple, raspberry and peanut butter smoothie and got it last night. I also had a stir fry with Thai green curry paste (but no onions, garlic or chilli).

Currently I've cut out spice, got coffee down to 2 cups per day (with oat milk) and just have a small piece of chocolate after dinner.

Would anyone recommend any foods that are GOOD for acid reflux? Or any other tips? I'm trying to eat a bit earlier but not always possible, and trying to be a bit more mindful of chewing more and eating slowly.

Anything I could maybe consume after dinner? I've seen apple cider vinegar be mentioned before? I've also tried chewing fennel seeds which does seem to help but not sure if it's ok to do that every day?

Thanks for any help