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Thread: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    I'm still dealing with it too, though far less. I think once I accepted that it was coming from my anxiety and I stopped worrying about it, it lessened significantly. I mostly just have it in the evenings now, and not even for long then. At the start I could have it all day long, now I have it for a few minutes at a time. You honestly need to not worry about it just like with any other anxiety symptom. It will do wonders for it

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Well, what a wonderful week I haven't had- the head pressure / dizzy sensation is back in full swing ! Went to check out the route / location of potential new job role on Sunday - complete disaster - the route I chose was awful - full of narrow roads only wide enough for 1 vehicle which stressed me out. Having reached the place the car park was terrible and busy, got pushed into a corner looking for a space - started to feel panic and nudged into a bin trying to get out which left a nice mark on my car. Just to top it off on the way home the dog was sick in the car and I somehow got snookered in a tractor convention on the roads which just happened to out for the day - great !

    Unexpectedly, I received a message from recruitment agency asking my availability for an interview - but for the next morning (less than 24 hours). This caught me off guard as I like to mentally prepare and do my own research on the company before attending an interview, but what made it worse was that I accidently crumpled my driving glasses meaning it was technically illegal for me to go anyway ! I did try to explain to the recruitment agent that I could not attend the interview due to personal circumstances (doubtful they believed me) and whether it could be done at a later date. Well, surprise of surprises I have heard nothing since - will chase them up but feels like another opportunity gone and have made a mess off...

    Back to square one, head pressure / dizziness / brain fog - no medication or counselling has ever done anything for me.....hope you are all coping better thank I am - fed up !

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fairy How long has it been for you now? I mean since it started? Yeah today has been up and down to me, it came in waves, definitely was more of that ‘on a boat’ sensation today, and I felt really frustrated and that I had to fight back against it. So I went out for a walk and tried to concentrate on a conversation a couple of people I was talking too, to distract my mind and see if it helped. It did to a certain point, but sometimes I felt the dizziness creeping back. I also felt a little jelly-legged today too but I think I was a starting to get panicky. I’m going to see if I can control this partially, even to keep me busy but it’s hard when you can feel that sensation coming on and that is when I start to get very anxious.

    You’re probably right, I hope it’s just my anxiety and I can sort through this episode, I just worry when it lasts for over a month and start thinking of all the absolute worse things it could be.

    I do hope you can sort through yours as well, mine usually lasts for a few minutes, but bad episodes can last longer. It’s tough, and takes so much will power to not worry.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Crispy hi! I don’t think causes me more stress or to get worked up than having to find a route I’ve not driven before. I also agree, I think it’s a part of anxiety too when you like to mentally prepare for something, I get very stressed when I’m left last minute to do something.

    That is very rude of them not to get back to you, but try not let it consume you, it will only make any symptoms you have worse, which sounds like a lot of stress you’ve been going through. Maybe could call them back? Follow it up, and see if maybe they are just delayed. I think it’s just been a stressful time for you and that would absolutely give you dizziness and headaches, brain fog and just make you feel fed up but try not let yourself get too upset. If you need to talk, you can always message me and theirs others here too I know can always help to just talk to.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    I took 2 paracetamol when I got home today. It seemed to help with some of the tension aches and pains I was getting. My walk today was okay, no dizziness, or pressure around my temples. I did get a couple of dizzy spells when I was shopping, but not as drastic but still frightening. Had less after I took some paracetamol, maybe it helped my muscles etc and tension. My neck feels tight, could be related, and I do feel strain behind my eyes too, so could be related.

    I just panic about it being the worst possible things imaginable and can’t calm my thoughts which then makes me worse.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Hi! Sorry to hear it's ongoing. But a few solid days of light here:

    - The nostril being blocked and then clearing is the nasal cycle. Perfectly normal. Look it up. Same for me.

    - The fact you acknowledged your anxiety and it improved is AMAZING. More of that! The new job route threw you off - it was anxiety.

    It's all anxiety but you have the ability to get past it.

    Have a look at The Tools book by Phil Stutz - amazing.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Quote Originally Posted by mischamoonlight View Post
    @Sparkling_Fairy How long has it been for you now? I mean since it started? Yeah today has been up and down to me, it came in waves, definitely was more of that ‘on a boat’ sensation today, and I felt really frustrated and that I had to fight back against it. So I went out for a walk and tried to concentrate on a conversation a couple of people I was talking too, to distract my mind and see if it helped. It did to a certain point, but sometimes I felt the dizziness creeping back. I also felt a little jelly-legged today too but I think I was a starting to get panicky. I’m going to see if I can control this partially, even to keep me busy but it’s hard when you can feel that sensation coming on and that is when I start to get very anxious.

    You’re probably right, I hope it’s just my anxiety and I can sort through this episode, I just worry when it lasts for over a month and start thinking of all the absolute worse things it could be.

    I do hope you can sort through yours as well, mine usually lasts for a few minutes, but bad episodes can last longer. It’s tough, and takes so much will power to not worry.
    It's been 2 months for me. I've had it since mid February. I had 2 weeks of relief after a very relaxing holiday, so that tells me a lot. But other than that, I've had it every day. I get it way worse when I'm tired, so quite frankly I think it's all just nervous system overload. But I am getting some tests done to double check

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: Had a really bad dizzy spell so went to doctors today rather than Monday. She did all the same tests and didn’t find anything, and told her the Betahistine didn’t do much for me, so she did think it was related to my anxiety but she’s sending me for an MRI scan. So today was awful and I feel like I’ve ran 20 miles or something, and my whole body is aching and sore from exhaustion. She doesn’t seem worried but she did give me a medication you take for travel sickness, only if I wanted to take it if I had a bad spell to see how it would do but I haven’t taken it yet.

    I’ve still had some of that unbalanced dizziness today but I’m trying to stop myself getting panic attacks. She said I should be seen fairly quickly for the MRI so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see to get that. Maybe the dizziness will get better before then but I’m still having them but not as intensely. Today was an intense one but settled down tonight but my still having a milder episode of them.

  9. #49
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @jayke Hi! I do hope I can get past this too, and thank you! Yeah the nostril thing is flared today but I’m use to that as well. Hope you are keeping well and thanks again, good to hear from you!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fairy Ugh that is awful you’ve had it so long! It was telling that it did go for a couple weeks, probably because you felt relaxed and at ease and we’re able to let your thoughts go away and be quiet. When I’m tired or I’ve been overwhelmed with too much to do or had to socialise a lot, because I spend almost all time alone, it hits me like a wave all of a sudden. My nervous system is definitely overloaded over the past few months, so it’s been a long time since I felt relaxed.

    It’s good just to put your mind at ease, my doctor is sending me for an MRI, so see how that goes. Hope everything goes well for you but definitely does sound like nervous system overload with you. If you want, keep me updated or even post here (you don’t have to, but if you’d like) it’d be great to see how your getting on.

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