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Thread: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fair Hi! I actually stopped feeling my palpitations when this dizziness started over 3 weeks ago. But I have starred to feel my PVCs again recently. I’ve always felt my heartbeat really deeply, and I’ve seen it explained on here over the years as being related to us being hyper aware of our heart and its rhythm, and even when I’m in bed, I will feel it thudding as I call it. Even though I’m on beta blockers, I still get quite noticeable palpitations, and that feeling I sometimes can feel in my neck if I’m super aware.

    You’re dizziness could be due to you controlling your breathing when your having palpitations and it makes you a little light headed.

    Not sure what mine is, but I’m on Betahistine Dihydrochloride 8mg for the past 3/4 days, only taking 2x a day and no huge improvement yet, but my dad is on antibiotics for streptococcus and I’m pretty sure I’ve picked up a mild version of that just after getting over a virus the previous week, which could have just been us all passing it back and forth to each other. Sore throat, coughing, hard lump in throat feeling and white coating at back of tongue and hoarse voice. So not feeling the greatest, and the mild dizziness.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Yeah my beta blockers have been a god send for my racing heart episodes, but they do nothing for my palpitations.

    I took betahistine but it did nothing for me :-( Though I’m genuinely starting to believe I don’t have vertigo but it’s just my heart that’s making my whole body bop!
    I hope you get some relief soon

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Hi there! Sorry for the radio silence. For the first time ever I've taken meds! I'm on Sertraline, 50mg. Day 15. Everything you have described re dizziness and PVCs - I have experienced for years. Had all the tests. Been to A&E three times in the past few weeks before I started meds. I knew I had to do something. It's anxiety. Never wanted to take meds but here we are. I'm glad I have started as need a solution. I'm also getting CBT soon - on a wait list which will be a few weeks. I still feel naff but had some better days. It can take weeks to start working so just being patient. It's horrible isn't it.

  4. #34
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @Sparkling_Fairy Yeah the beta blockers do help but same as me not so much with the palpitations, but I think it’s probably because it’s a low dose so it’s doing just what it needs too which is fine.

    A simple test your doctor does should rule out vertigo or if it is. I think it’s heavily to do with anxiety and maybe adrenaline as well when we’re anxious. Stress is a huge thing we ignore but it causes a lot of symptoms too. I think yours is most likely anxiety and the hyper awareness of your heart beat too, it can make you concentrate on your breathing in a certain way which can cause light headedness or little dizzy.

    Thank you and I do hope you sort it out too, and let me know how you get on or if you need to talk about anything, can always message me here.

  5. #35
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    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @jayke No worries at all, I am glad you are getting things sorted and I am also on a waiting list to see a cbt therapist. It can be really horrible in the moment and the exhaustion that follows as well, but at least their is some comfort that their are others who understand and can understand too. Sometimes we need a little extra help whether it’s medicine or a therapist, both of which I need myself. Yeah, I’ve been hospital several times in the past 10 months and it’s horrible and have PVCs also, so it’s been a tough time so I do understand how hard it’s been for you. But good to hear that you’ve had some better days along the way and hoping for you to have more as time goes on.

    Youve done great in addressing stuff and being aware of what’s going on. You ever need to talk, like I’ve said to others, you can always message, sometimes it’s just nice to know theirs others who you can talk to or reach out about it.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    I’ve got a virus again, not sure what it is, last couple days I had a sore throat, very dry raspy and my voice is up and down and hard to talk. Not sure if it’s laryngitis or strep throat. But my dizziness has been worse today, not sure if it’s the bacterial/viral infection I have but it’s causing me so much stress. Sometimes it feels like my dizziness is coming from behind my nose and eyes and puts me off balance. It can be distressing, but I’ve never passed out or fallen over. It is making my anxiety worse though. I know I’m sick at the moment and have my periods, which is also probably making me feel very depressed right now too. Head just feels stuffy, dizzy/woozy that is on and off. What is going on…

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: I don’t think that medication for the dizziness did much to be honest. The Betahistine was only like a weeks supply, I could take twice or three times a day, so I took it twice and finished today and still having bouts of dizziness. It’s almost like a pressure at the sides of my ears near my temples, and then centred between my eyes area, really weird. My virus is just about gone, I’ve barely any coughing now, just an odd cough and throat dryness but everything else has gone. Could it be related to that? But it was there a week or so before I even got the virus the first time around. It’s been like a month now.

    I really start panicking tumours and cancers and other things going on like aneurysms or blockages and stuff. I feel very worried about it now. Do I need a longer prescription of that medicine or is their just something worse going on? I’ve started to worry that it’s related to my heart, or maybe my PVCs? But I’m use to them and had tests for my heart in January, ecgs, bloods etc and they were normal.

    Maybe my bad posture? My neck is constantly bent forward looking down at tablets and phones, as their my main things I use for work. Screen time? I use them a lot throughout the day and evening, so haven’t gone very long without using and looking at them, maybe that? Because I really do get scared because I’ve had bouts of this dizziness/woozy feeling, like being on a boat that it’s something more sinister and then I panic once again. Can things like this last this long like it’s been a month?
    Last edited by mischamoonlight; 21-04-24 at 20:58.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me


    Sorry to hear you're not great. I would say it absolutely is all anxiety. There's always something to worry about? Have you tried CBT at all?

    You mentioned something that is really interesting to me. You said sometimes it feels like the dizziness is coming from behind your nose.

    I've just posted under 'symptoms' about a random pressure I have now and then behind my nose (sinuses presumably), lasting only a few seconds, followed immediately by anxiety.

    Do you ever get pressure that only lasts a few seconds?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    @jayke Hi, nice to hear from you! This forum seems quiet these days, but it’s comforting to know theirs still people here. Sorry for late reply, yeah sometimes it feels at the very top of your nose, in between your eyes area (where glasses would rest) and I’ve always had sinus issues. I think I have a deviated septum, because one nostril always runs or gets more stuffed than the other. Lately with this dizziness, I’m getting more of a ‘fullness’ or stuffy feeling at the side of my ears where my temples are and my eyes also feel a bit strained lately too.

    im not sleeping much, but I’ve had terrible sleep for years, at most I get 5 or 6 but that’s a good night and it’s always broken sleep which I hate. I’ve also been really depressed lately, worst depression I’ve had since I was a teenager honestly. Got my heart broken in the summer last year and I’m not getting over it as good as I thought I would.

    sometimes I find myself holding the bridge of my nose to help when I feel dizzy. It often makes me panic that it’s a brain tumour, cancer, a blood clot, a bleed on the brain, extremely high blood pressure (but my mum explained that she’s had extremely high blood pressure and said it’s not that). So I don’t know, I just keep thinking the worst thing is happening in my brain and then sometimes I get little cramps (I call them) in my head but not much and very mild.

    I just never feel happy, like nothing makes me smile or have any joy at all anymore, besides being around a cat or dog maybe. I don’t seem to get as much dizziness when I’m out in the fresh air, walking or shopping, mainly when I come home or I’ve been overwhelmed. It really came on about a month ago and I did see one of the doctors about it, she examined me, checked my eyes, my ears and did all the balance tests and she said she was happy with it, just my blood pressure was a little high but again, could have been the white coat syndrome. She gave me the Betahistine, didn’t seem to work much, as I still got dizzy spells, and I stopped them on Sunday my dose finished, Was fine yesterday, but today I’ve had a few episodes of it, mainly feeling like it’s coming from behind my eyes and side of my temples. Feels similar to when you get that stuffy feeling when you have a cold or flu.

    Which is why I panicked about infections as well but this has been over a month now.

    sorry for long rant lol! Yeah, my nose plays up when I get anxious, it either gets runny, or blocked or I hold my bridge to help concentrate, dunno why lol.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having dizzy/throbbing dizziness tormenting me

    Update: I made an appointment, the doctor I seen before only has a Monday appointment so I took it. The receptionist just said obviously if my symptoms worsened or I felt worse to just come over and they would fit me in as an emergency appointment with one of the other doctors. So far, it hasn’t worsened so hopefully it’ll be okay until then but yeah, exhausted. Trying to think what I can do to stay occupied and not have this on my mind 24/7. Work doesn’t do it or doing chores. Anyway, it’s pretty distressing because it’s gone on for so long.

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