Yesterday I went to the dermatologist for a cyst removal... near the cyst I have had a mark on my skin for atleast 10-15 years.. never ever worried about it as I thought it was a birth mark.. well the Physicians Assistant advised me we should do a biopsy on it since we were in the area anyway.................. I was so nervous for the cyst removal but once she mentioned that, I couldn't even think of the cyst. All that was on my mind is SKIN CANCER! She said it would be 2-3 weeks for results. HOW IN THE WORLD am I supposed to function for that long? My anxiety was triggered big time. All yesterday I spent googling and googling and talking myself into believing I have skin cancer and im going to die and not be here for my 4 children.

I have no family history of skin cancer, im 32 and it was not in a location that is ever in sunlight. Anyone have any advice or similar situations? Thanks in advance.