Well, it's been 6 day since she got sick and so far my husband and I have avoided getting it! I don't want to speak to soon, but she tested negative twice yesterday and twice today, so we stopped making her hide out in the guest room, ha. She's a tiny bit stuffy, but no trace of virus in her nose so I'm going to assume that she's no longer contageous. I think if we make it another day or two I'll feel confident that we've made it through. It does make me feel better about Covid transmission generally. We laid on the couch together and watched a movie the first night she was sick, I put her to bed and sat in her room reading for like 30 minutes, I got her up in the morning and was hanging out on the couch with her for a few hours before we tested her and she was DARK positive (so she almost certainly would have tested positive the day before if we'd tested her). The day before she got symptoms we were in the car with her for 4.5 hours.