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Thread: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

  1. #31

    Bipolar and Duloxetine

    I am in my 4th day of duloxetine withdrawal. I am having strong flu like symptons, very bad stomach cramps, nausea, dizziness, crying, confusion, terror. It really hurts. I am doing this for my partner as we are hoping that coming off duloxetine will help prevent my frequent and dangreous bouts of mania. How long will this pain last? What happens after withdrawal? Does anyone else have any experience?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Hello Carla. Are you withdrawing from duloxetine with your doctor/psychiatrists blessing? I'm not sure whether you are going 'cold turkey' ie stopping abruptly without tapering? If you are suffering from mania has your psychiatrist suggested a different medication? Some anti ds can cause mania in people who suffer from bi-polar illness. I was on duloxetine for about a month and had to stop taking it because of severe side effects. I think that you need to contact your care giver be it psychiatrist or CPN in the morning as you might need some additional medication to get through this withdrawal. The doctor might prescribe valium or something else? Best wishes EJ.

  3. #33

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Hello EJ,
    Thank you so much for getting back to me. I am doing this without the blessing of my GP as I am afraid of the GPs at my new surgery. I went last week to tell this GP that I believe that I am bi-polar. A psychiatrist who saw me after I tried to kill myself in September thought it was almost definite but I need a proper diagnosis-hence going to see the GP. I was scared to see the doctor to ask about coming off because they are usually undermining and I feel really bad. I am doing this in order to try and stabilise my mania because of the way I am affecting my partner. What is your advice? I feel like I am going mad. Can't stop crying. I have fever. I am talking and walking funny. I have been on duloxetine for about two years.

    Carla x

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Carla if you are that ill then you need to go to casualty. Get your boyfriend to take you. It might take some time but you will be seen by a psychiatrist for a proper assessment. Don't let them fob you off. I am not medically trained although I take lithium and mirtazapine for severe recurrent depression and know a little about bi-polar because of being on lithium. You will need the correct meds for your condition. There are members of nmp who are bi-polar who might be able to offer their support. Please don't feel you have to suffer in silence. EJ.

  5. #35

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Hi new to the site I was just looking for some help!! I have been on anti depresants before and came off them, then I rupptured some discs in my back, pain killers help to some extent then the doc gave me amitriptyline to help it took ages to get use to them i was on them for years, then the pain sem to get worse, I went to the docs and he gave me duloxetine, the worst thing ever!! I have been back several times with side effects all they say is give them time, ive given them six months maybe longer and they dont get any better, so i have bitten the bullet and gone cold turkey, a week now and I feel like shit!! dizzy, throwing up all the time, the runs, my god what are these tablets doing to me. I carnt believe my doc told me to carry on taking them, theree again when he sits there looking at his watch all the time, no wonder, i hope things get better soon, and as for crying i could water the garden.

  6. #36

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Hi this is my first post so be gentle with me.i stumbled across this when googling duloxetine withdrawal.I have been on this drug for the past 4 years and have had very few problems of side-effects.I was initially on and off cipralex but i didnt like how it made me feel so my doc swapped me over.I didnt actually decide to come off my meds..i sort of ran out of tablets...that was 5 days ago though,to say that i have started to feel strange is an understatement!!
    Long story tablets waiting at chemist to collect tomorrow but now i have a dilema.Should i just keep with the cold turkey or go back on?

    I have been getting really dizzy spells plus the upset tummy and wow..the nitemares!! It was only like an hour ago when i flipped my lid over something minor that my OH said "jeex its not hard to know you have run out of ur cymbalta"

    This is what got me thinking could it be i google...i find myself here.

    Iv read all the horror stories about cymbalta but it really has worked for me.I have no doubt though that if i stay off them then the withdrawal will get worse and my panic disorder/depression may come back.

    I just wanted to say to all you brave people who have come off their meds,well done! This seems to be a really old thread though so it would be great to find out how people like yvonne are doing now.Anyways,good luck with your own personal battles xxx nikkita

  7. #37

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    I went off Escitalopram cold turkey - dosage was 10 mg a day - and within two days I felt much more authentic and in touch with myself. However, the brain zaps got worse and worse, and I started becoming very irritable, slightly manic. Three weeks after quitting Escitalopram I have decided to take Prozac at the standard dose because the withdrawal from Escitalopram is too much to handle. I have flu symptoms as well. I have taken Prozac before and did not feel as spaced and drowsy on it as I did on Escitolopram.

    My doctor put me on Duloxetine a couple of years ago, and I lasted three days on it, awful side effects. I think I'll stay on the Prozac on the daily dose for two months or so, and then take one every other day thereafter. It's dirt cheap and for me it has the least side effects.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    What are the long term side effects of duloxatine to your body and do they continue to work after continued use.?

    I have been taking cymbalta for 3 years ...yes they give you the runs and a few other side effects when you start the trick is to take them religiously at the same time in the morning. I take 30mgx2 every day they are good for your seritionin feelings, mood dips, temper and depression But I have problems every year at this time of year complete exhaustion and nearly all the symptoms low thyriod (which is checked and is always in normal limits) and wow, I am so hot all the time (I had hysterectomy and offerectomy 7 years ago and have experienced the change but these are feeling hot and sticky all the time not the flushes
    has anyone any advice I would be so gratefull thanks anne

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Sorry to butt in on this thread! I have just started taking duloxetine, but about 11 months ago I tapered off effexor/venlafaxine sucessfully. Now, having started duloxetine the side effects seem pretty similar and they are in the same class of meds. Reading about some of the side effects mentioned here for withdrawal, I found it very helpful indeed to take cod liver oil with omega fish oils (lessened the brain zaps loads), vitamin B complex and benydryl (there was a specific one though as not all are the same, can't remember at the mo) to help with the nausea. I found these to really help with the side effects, so may work for this drug also.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard

    Thanks for the info missy c, I've saved your post for future reference in case I have to come off these and have problems...I hope not...Yuk!


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