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Thread: Hi from "MessedUp"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Hi from "MessedUp"

    Hello everyone. I've been agoraphobic since childhood (I'm now 40) with specific avoidances of being in audiences or being a passenger (which limits travel somewhat!). I've always been uneasy about being 'trapped' in a situation that's out of my control. Top nightmares would be fairground rides or air travel. I've managed ok, with avoidance.

    For some time now I've been a bit uneasy at bedtime, wondering if I could get panicky just because I have to keep breathing (however daft that sounds).. just having to keep going seems frightening, and I even can't help thinking it would just be easier to do away with myself - not that I would.. it's just irrational thinking when anxious. Until recently it was enough to tell myself off and think of something else, something nice. My escape route would be to get up and do something to take my mind of it (probably down to gulp some wine and watch some TV or something), but I never had to.

    All that changed on Sunday night when the panic went too far.. I tried to fight it by not getting up... by facing it (like the An End to Panic book says) and this just meant I spent half the night wide awake feeling like my life was over and things would never be the same again.

    Even in the morning, in the shower, I felt terrible, and didn't know whether to go straight to medical help or go to work and take it from there. I was so anxious I was shivering - I still am when I think about it. I went to work and then to my doctor later, and she listened to my story, including my long saga about my unfulfilling marriage, and she figured I was depressed (but I can still laugh!) and anxious - a good candidate for the pills... she gave me a prescription for Sertraline, saying it wasn't addictive.

    When I realised these pills were Zoloft I looked them up in my panic book and looked around online. Wow, those side effects look hellish scary, and far too likely! And it takes hours to have any effect, and weeks to really improve anything? How do I cope in the meantime?!

    I can't believe pills are the answer. I've struggled to battle this for two nights now, I just want to be able to relax and get some sleep.. but I'm lying there shivering and can't sleep unless I'm exhausted. I'm finding enough to distract me at work, and can doze off in my chair here (great job huh?!) but the nights are bothering me. I'm not scared of panics as such, it's just acute anxiety and the thought that I've lost it.. let myself down.. it's full-blown anxiety/panic disorder now... I can't cope.. might have to live on dodgy pills forever. At one point last night I realised "this is what I've been dreading all these years and here I am - it's not THAT bad" (apart from the shivery dread) and that calmed me for a while ... "I can cope! A bit!".. but it's no cure.

    The book says distraction isn't the answer, you must face the panic, get used to it and then you won't fear it. I reckon it's better to do whatever works for you!

    Will I ever get back to normal? Are pills the answer? The book says avoid them as much as you can - deal with the problem. What if I get side effects I can't stand and really go off the rails?

    I'm so scared and needy now, I feel like a broken shell.. I'm so desperate I've even decided to give my marriage another try (not the best reason to, is it? I feel a bit mean about that) but it is great to know I'm still loved and there's someone there for me. I really should make the best of it, even if I do still have unresolved yearnings for a deeper 'connection'.

    I spoke to my Doc again today to see what she'd say, there must be something less risky I can take to calm me down, no? No, she said, I could have beta-blockers (tried them before, didn't stop me panicking), or try Valerium tea or St.Johns Wort! It feels like she wants to drug me up and make me wait weeks for a referal to trained specialists - there's a waiting list of several weeks) I still don't know if I can face the side-effects risk unless I'm totally desperate. And what's the point if morning (and bearable normal routine) comes around sooner than the pills kicking in?
    She said she'd prescribed Zoloft to many many people over recent years (more fuel to my "drug 'em up!" fears) and horrendous side effects were far less common than I'm afraid of.

    It's fear of fear, I told my workmates. Afraid that I'll get too afraid, a vicious circle that escalates rapidly to panic. "Wow," they said... "fear of being afraid? You're *really* stuffed!"

    Do I take the pills? Do I trust medical science?! What does it feel like? Would I still be able to panic? Help! (much appreciated)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"

    you sound quite similar to me, in the length of time youve suffered. id say its the agoraphobia catching up with you? thats my theory on why i went through what your experiencing 8 months ago. like you i didnt/wouldnt/couldnt take meds adn turned to people instead,like your doing with your husband. i think you could probably do with having some therapy, mine helped me to see all the 'thinking errors' i was making, which given my life story and the fact ive struggled for many many years with 'fear of fear' is understandable.

    you willbe able to get through until you get help, the anxiety will go down,and i would say your book is correct - distraction is just a trick - somehting will happen to trigger a panic, distraction is no cure - so i would say just accept the anxiety and panic, try not to watch for it to go,keep reminding yourself what it is - the panic cycle, not madness!!! you will be okay. i was there and now im not, and you can still laugh and be depressed. i never ever lose my sense of humour but i lose the will to carry on,and i cant see how im ever ever going to be better and that is depression, which is different for everyone anyway, but when you come out of it is sometimes when you realise you have been depressed. also anxiety can be a symptom of depression and vice versa - but dont worry, you are not going to be depressed forever. i would also recommemd you go to 'uncommonknowlege', where you will get really good unfo about depression and see that there are things you can do,all the best emma

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"

    Hi Emma, thanks for the reply (btw I'm male, I kept it ambiguous at first so people wouldn't judge me about the marriage situation...! Sorry)

    I really don't fancy a full blown panic attack, and to be honest I'm not sure if I've ever had one as bad as other people seem to. My previous panics have been a horrible out of control feeling, panicky raised heart-rate, and a sick to the stomach feeling where I'm all tensed up in the belly which makes me bend forward groaning almost helplessly. If there's no escape (there usually isn't otherwise I wouldn't be panicking) then I just have to get used to this feeling and it subsides. Sometimes is just goes when I think it's not too bad... sometimes it goes a bit then comes back again, in waves... sometimes it stays bad for what seems like an age - that's the one I fear most!

    I think that all started as a kid when my dad used to drive fast over the brow of a local hill and we'd go weightless briefy - "watch out, you're going to lose your tummy" he'd say. As the years passed I 'lost my tummy' more and more in the back of the family car, just by being there, in the end. Everything else stemmed from that, I reckon.

    More recently, having read more about phobias and anxiety, having attended a course (that got me nowhere) and having met others in the group, it's like I learned more ways to suffer! Since then I've sometimes had near-panics like a horrendous sense of dread and impending doom, going cold with the hairs on my back on end, a sinking feeling that I'm about to lose control, lose my mind, go mad, get stuck in a panic I'll never get out of - so far it's been such a horrible thought that I've somehow snapped myself out of it.

    And in the last few days, the panic hasn't *actually* happened, but I've been so worried about it that I can sustain a highly anxious state of fear, shivering with it, for hour after hour while waiting for the clock to come around to the time I can get up and live normally. Seems like I can bear it, but not relax anywhere near enough to get back to sleep.

    But, whether I panic 'fully' or not (I don't know, compared to others), I'm still experiencing the same intensity of fears and anxieties as the rest of you, I think. I still need to find a way to stop the instrusive thoughts building up to the panic point.

    And I'm still wary of the pills. Having looked around here, so many people say they're still anxious on them! I don't know what to do. There's a local support group meeting in the next few days that I've never been to before, so I'll pop along and see what they say. I need to hear success stories to believe there's a way out of this, it all seems so hopeless at the moment. When you start to dread lying in bed in peace and quiet, there's something woefully wrong! What happens next time I'm ill and can't get out of bed?! I'm shivering now just thinking about it... I can't see how I can avoid those £$%&* pills, and that's a nightmare...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"


    Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

    Take care

    Trac xxx
    I take the good with the bad, Smile with the sad, Love what I got, And remember what I had.
    Always forgave, But never forgot,
    Learned from my mistakes, But never regret.
    People change, Things go wrong,
    I just remembered...Life Goes On

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"

    thanks... I wish someone would tell me whether to take the pills or not!

    I can't see how they'll stop me thinking silly thoughts and calm down enough to sleep...?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"

    Hello M.U. to you!

    I don't think anyone here is really in a position to tell you whether to take the pills or not - medication can affect people in quite different ways, purely because everybody is different. But, you really won't know whether they will particularly help you or not until you maybe give them a try.

    My own experience with medication was that ,yes, for the first couple of weeks I thought that I was actually getting worse rather than better - but I had lots of encouragement from a friend who was also a GP and I'm so glad I stuck it out. I only had to take medication for 6 months and, coupled with counselling, it enabled me to feel bette thus allowing me to tackle the issues that were causing my anxiety in the first place - and ongoing process I might add!

    Fairground rides and air travel - woah! think I may have the air travel conquered now (still dislike it but can manage short flights !) but oooh, not the rides!

    Anyway, glad you found us here - pleased to meet you!

    ...Nothing takes the past away like the future...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"


    Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.


    "If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"

    Hi and aboard.

    Has the GP offered you any therapy or counselling to help. You could ask for some CBT as that is very good.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"

    Hi all, thanks
    GP said I didn't seem to panicky (I was fairly calm in the surgery, it was nice to spill my life story to someone, and she's not my usual doc) so I'm not sure she's that concerned.
    CBT always sounded like too much hard work for my specific phobias that I'm fairly happy avoiding, but if I'm going to be generally anxious like this it may be worth it. Trouble is, there's a 6 week waiting list for any specialist help.
    I hate the feeling that I'm on my own with this at the end of the day - a good supportive forum is a great find but in the wee small hours alone in my thoughts it's entirely up to me whether I feel calm or I'm shaking with anxiety. How much would I give for a magic pill one-off total cure?!!
    I hate feeling like my life has changed from relatively in control, to.. I'm now a victim...this defines me... I'll always be the saddo who's scared of his own company... maybe a lifetime on pills isn't so bad after all - if someone could convince me they work!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Hi from "MessedUp"

    welcome to the site hope to see you around xxxxxxxxx
    everything will be ok in the end
    if its not ok then its not the end

    minnie xxxx

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