My Sister has suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for the past year or so and had her worst attack yet on tuesday morning, she was found by her partner passed out at the bottom of her stairs completly out of it. She was referred on for tests as they thought it could be her heart but after seeing her GP he advised that the episode stems from her anxiety and must have had a severe panic attack.

It seems it hits her worse when she has to go to work, which is awful for her as she loves what she does she's a nursery nurse and is great with the kids.

She has been given some meds from her GP and hopefully she will be referred on for some counselling.

I feel really helpless as i don't live near my sister anymore so don't get to see her very often which i feel really guilty about. I really want to help her but at a loss as to what i can do??!! I'm going to see her today and after reading some info on the net i'm taking her a yoga/pilates dvd as i've read that gentle exersize and relaxation are good. But not sure what to say or do to make her feel better about herself.

Any suggestions from sufferers or past sufferers as she doesn't open up to me much and i don't think she even knows how we can help.

Bye for now x