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Thread: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    On Friday I rang up for my repeat prescription as usual and was told that these are highly addictive and that I wasn't getting anymore, just like that! I been taking them for about 5 years now, i'd say about 4x 2mg tablets a week, now i'm a bit freaked cuz I have none left and am considering my options. I take them for social occaisions and I can't remember the last time I went to a big social event without them. I don't understand how the doc can just stop them like that so I'll have to make an appointment and find out. Maybe a different doctor will have different opinion. Either that or I have to buy them from the USA but i've started enquiring already and it doesn't seem very easy. I don't know what to do really! Any advice? I don't feel im ready to go cold turkey, and I think a fairer and better way would be to cut them out gradually.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    Not sure what to advise...I'm just as surprised as you are that they've just cut off your supply without weening you off after being on them for 5 years.

    I was told by a doctor recently (when they gave me some Diazepam) that they would not give it to me for more than 4 weeks.

    I'm sure that someone will have ideas as to what you can do. Failing that, maybe look at herbal alternatives like Valerian as a 'plan B'? just a thought.

    * A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single footstep *

    * The only constant in life, is change *

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    Sudden withdrawal isn't a good idea with these meds,I'm very surprised that they have done this to you and can only assume that there's been a mistake or misunderstanding somewhere along the line.
    If I were you I'd make an urgent appointment to see the Doc. Explain your fears and agree to go on a gradual withdrawal plan.
    Don't buy them on the internet , there's some dodgy stuff out there.You must go to the Doc. as soon as possible.

    Good luck,
    Decca, Retired caseworker.
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
    You will get better,I did.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    Quote Originally Posted by ConfusedByLife View Post
    On Friday I rang up for my repeat prescription as usual and was told that these are highly addictive and that I wasn't getting anymore, just like that! I been taking them for about 5 years now, i'd say about 4x 2mg tablets a week, now i'm a bit freaked cuz I have none left and am considering my options. I take them for social occaisions and I can't remember the last time I went to a big social event without them. I don't understand how the doc can just stop them like that so I'll have to make an appointment and find out. Maybe a different doctor will have different opinion. Either that or I have to buy them from the USA but i've started enquiring already and it doesn't seem very easy. I don't know what to do really! Any advice? I don't feel im ready to go cold turkey, and I think a fairer and better way would be to cut them out gradually.

    hes a dope you need to report him ,,,, he should cut you down not just stop them ,,,,even in there drug book the BNF says to cut down not stop

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!


    "I dont feel Im addicted to them but some situations would be uncomfy without them"

    placebo effect maybe?

    Reason i say this is my only med is Diazepam and has been for 3 years:

    5mg 6 times a day as required

    Someone above mentioned blunder, yup my doc is in deep, he probably wants me get better as much as i do.

    Back on topic,

    confusedbylife your already on a low dosage and to a degree with 5 years under your belt you would hardly be feeling the effects anyway. I can take mine in 4's and barely feel a thing and i consider myself in touch with my bodies reactions to most things.

    The low dosage that you have taken are stepping stones just to ease the nerves, which you know right?, cold turkey is a strong term for such a low dosage but maybe take half of what your weekly input is and that would help to ween you off them.

    As of yet i have never heard of withdrawl symptoms from diazepam aka Valium.

    But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread upon my dreams.”

    William Butler Yeats


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    I wondered why my script had dropped to 28 from 56!!Thanks for the info guys!Luckily i dont need the 56 as i used to I too could take multiple tabs..9 at times ..but now 2 and i am out of it!I think the body adjusts to the need of the medication..if i dont take them i never have side effects.Tho i like to know i have them in my bag if i go anywhere!
    I think your dr needs to be told it is unfair to just stop your medication,unethical too.Go and see the Dr and tell him you are not addicted as such just need the reasurance of knowing you have them there should you need them.Good Luck.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxx
    we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

  7. #7
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    Oct 2007

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    Quote Originally Posted by CONS View Post

    "As of yet i have never heard of withdrawl symptoms from diazepam aka Valium."

    Have you read the Ashton manual

    or read some of the stories on here -

    You may well change your mind.

    Decca, Retired caseworker.
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
    You will get better,I did.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    Quote Originally Posted by decca View Post
    Have you read the Ashton manual

    or read some of the stories on here -

    You may well change your mind.

    If its in my mind it wont or doesn't i will stick to my original thoughts.

    Look hard enough and you can find anything.


    EDIT: in time i will get rid of all meds but for now it suits me ok, sorry Decca for coming out so strong but i believe the weaker the dosage the weaker the withdrawl, although that in itself is dependant on the person.
    Last edited by CONS; 06-10-08 at 21:44.
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread upon my dreams.”

    William Butler Yeats


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!

    Hi Cons,
    A few months ago I would have agreed with you but since then I've met a lot of people that were on low therapeutic dose that have suffered severe withdrawal when they've tried to come off of Diaz. incorrectly.
    I've been on 2mg Diaz. since Feb. and tried withdrawing by 25% cuts 6 weeks ago and it wasn't very nice, so I had to reinstate and now that I'm stable again have started reducing by 10% cuts.

    Decca, Retired caseworker.
    -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
    You will get better,I did.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: My doctor has stopped my diazepam!


    I would agree with some of the posts advising you to see your GP to discuss coming off the diazepam. Also, if you have a panic episode before hand and feel you do need them urgently go to A.E.

    Cons: I was horrified to read your comments about diazepam. Believe me, I was given diazepam over 20 years ago, and was never told how addictive they were. I was prescribed 10mg daily, when I suffered with severe depression due to PTSD they kept increasing the dose. To cut a long story short I was on diazepam for 18 years and taking 55mg daily with all the increases. I had been undergoing 4years of specialist PTSD councelling when my councellor told me I had to wean completely off the diazepam before I could complete the last part of the therapy or it wouldn't be effective.

    Any physciatrist will tell you that diazepam affects the receptors of the brain. Which basically means, anything that happens to you while taking this drug doesn't register fully in your brain, as the receptors are 'dulled'. that is why it is a waste of money for anyone taking diazepam on a daily basis, undergoing hypnotherapy. I was also horrified to be told that no-one knows what damage is caused in the brain, or what the long term side effects are to someone taking diazepam over a long term period of time as it was only ever designed to be taken short term.

    I was advised by my doctors to keep on it as I had been taking it for so long.
    But thank god, with the help and close supervision of a wonderful physciatrist I managed to wean off it completely. It took me just over 2 years and to say the withdrawal was truly horrendous is an understatement. I went on to complete my therapy and again thank god it was successful. I personally believe this drug should be banned as it ruins lives and GP's still prescribe it to easily. The physciatrist who helped me off it says he only uses it for really acute cases where his patients are hospitalised and even then only for a max of 1 week. He believes that you do no favours to patients by giving them this drug as sooner or later they have to stop taking it and they end up becoming more anxious as they stress that they won't be able to manage their anxiety without it.

    Sorry for the long reply, as I said, I was horrified at the ignorance about this drug. GP' should explain fully before prescribing or withdrawing this drug.

    to you all.

    'Your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

    I managed to wean

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