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Thread: Eat your self healthy

  1. #1
    Peru83's Avatar
    Peru83 is offline Intermediate Member
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    Eat your self healthy

    I found something on This mornings website about Eating yourself healthy. I've copied and pasted it so that I can print it off and would be happy to e-mail it on to anyone who is interested.

    I just think that eating better is bound to help as my diet right now is actually quite shameful. I probably eat more curries, crisps and chips than anything else, so I figure that this is probably contributing to how I am feeling in some way.

    Anyways, If you want me to forward it on just let me know


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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Can you cut and paste it on here so its here for next months newbies too?

    We can't support pictures but any C+P text should be ok .

    Yes a healthy diet is important when you're acutely anxious

    GI: Gi Diet


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  3. #3
    Peru83's Avatar
    Peru83 is offline Intermediate Member
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    Yeah sure no problem here it is, didn't think I could post it thought that it might have been a bit long.

    Eat to make you look better with Jane Clarke for shiny hair, glowing skin, strong nails & sparkly eyes!

    Jane’s top ten body nourishing tips (core diet)

    1) Drink 2.5 litres of water a day

    Drink around 2.5 litres/4 pints of water a day, staggered throughout the day to help your body hold onto it. Try sipping on one glass every hour. The best way in checking whether your body is sufficiently hydrated is to glance at your urine which should be very pale in colour, not dark yellow.

    If a dehydrated body receives an extra 600ml/1 pint of water, it will repay you by giving you an extra 20% of energy.

    2) Eat 5 fresh fruits a day

    Keep your energy constant and give your body all the antioxidants it needs to stay young and healthy by eating five succulent fresh fruits a day.

    3) Eat vegetables twice a day

    Treat your body to a health giving supply of fibre and antioxidants by having vegetables twice a day, be they raw, steamed, roasted, stir fried or even pre-prepared salads or frozen vegetables.

    4) Use fresh herbs and spices instead of salt

    Rather than adding salt, which can raise your blood pressure and aggravate fluid retention, use fresh herbs and spices, such as basil, dill, parsley, freshly ground black pepper, lemon grass and garlic, to enhance food’s natural flavours.

    5) Cut right down on coffee and tea

    An aromatic cup of coffee or tea can be life enhancing, as long as it is a good quality beverage that you really savour. But don’t have more than two or three cups a day; too much caffeine aggravates stress, energy swings, headaches and anxiety as well as inhibiting your body’s absorption of essential nutrients like calcium and iron.

    6) Eat something before you drink alcohol

    Before drinking alcohol, either prepare your stomach by having something to eat – even if only a banana – or wait until you’ve sat down to enjoy a meal. You’ll sleep more soundly and feel better the next day if you drink a couple of glasses of water for every glass of wine.

    7) Eat protein rich foods twice a day

    Twice a day, eat protein rich foods like chicken, fish (especially oily fish like salmon and mackerel), seafood, eggs (which don’t raise blood – cholesterol levels), lean meat or pulses. All of these will boost your energy levels and improve your concentration. Protein rich foods also keep you satisfied for longer.

    8) Ditch processed foods labelled ‘’low-fat’’ and ‘’low sugar’’

    Do your skin, bones and taste buds a favour by ditching processed foods labelled ‘’low fat’’ and ‘’low sugar’’. Small amounts of full-fat butter, cream, cheese and even chocolate are more delicious, as well as healthier than their over processed counterparts.

    9) Eat calcium rich and iron rich foods each day

    Maintain the strength of your nails, bones, blood and immune system by having some calcium rich and iron rich foods every day. Calcium is found easily in milk (and skimmed milk contains just as much calcium as full fat milk), cheese, yoghurt (ideally organic, containing live, probiotic cultures), green leafy vegetables, small boned fish, like pilchards and sardines, dried apricots and figs. Iron rich foods include dark green, leafy vegetables, pulses, dried fruits, whole grains, eggs, cashew nuts, lean red meat and offal.

    10) Eat whole grain foods every day

    These help to nurture the growth of positive bacteria in the gut, which in turn produce substances which reduce the signs of ageing, as well as the risks of developing cancer, heart disease and other life threatening conditions. Choose from wholegrain cereals, oats, wholemeal bread (rather than brown, which may contain no more fibre than white bread) whole grain rice or pasta. Other great fibre packed foods are pulses, including lentils.

    Foods for specifically improving your appearance

    How your skin, hair, nails and eyes look, in my opinion, gives a true indicati

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Wow - I didn't expect on online recipe book too......

    Glad you posted it - thanks.

    There does seem to be a lot of repetition in it though which you could trim if you felt so inclined sometime. lol

    Its mostly GI friendly which is also best for anxiety.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    [Wow!] what a long post,

    But well worth reading, [^] going to print it out.

    Thank you soooo much Claire


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I'll read that when I have a spare couple of days

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    I think I will print it out and read it but thanks for that.


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