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Thread: Another Emetophobia Sufferer :-(

  1. #1

    Another Emetophobia Sufferer :-(

    Hi everyone

    How glad I am to have found this site as I really thought I was the only person to suffer from something like this. Would you believe the reason I found this site was through googling 'can a stomach bug be transferred by touching paper?' !!!! Reason being my sister in law became sick on Christmas Eve and called at my house (worst nightmare!) to leave in presents. I've yet to open mine as I don't want to touch it. After she left (I made sure she left pretty quickly) I sprayed antibacterial spray on all the door handles etc. She is still sick 3 days later and I am still worrying.

    I never had this fear until I became a mother - I'm probably slightly different from a lot of people on here as my fear of sickness is focused on my children becoming ill (they are aged 7 and 5). Also the reason I suppose why I don't want to become ill myself - for fear of passing it onto them, or worrying about looking after them while I'm ill (although I do have a fairly understanding husband). My phobia manifests itself in the following ways -

    - constantly washing my hands to avoid germs, my hands are red and sore

    - not touching door handles in loos, shopping centres etc

    - in my office in work constantly wiping telephone and door handles with anti-bac wipes

    - panic setting in when I hear of someone being sick, I will avoid these people and anything they have touched

    - constant worry about my children becoming sick, esp if I hear someone in their class has been sick in school

    Although I also fear colds/flus, my worst fear is V and D. I also work in a school and it drives me mad when parents send children in who are ill, or not fully recovered from an illness.

    Unfortunately for my kids I have prevented them from going to parties just before Christmas in case they became ill over Christmas, also I don't like them to go swimming etc in case of them catching something in the water.

    I also make them wash their hands when they come home from ANYWHERE ie from school, shops, outside etc. I'm terrified now of making them neurotic as well. I recognise that I do have a phobia, but I understand why I have it and my reasons for acting 'oddly', which makes it hard to be rational as I FEEL like I am being rational.

    Sorry for such an epic introduction, but it's almost theraputic to put this all on 'on paper', as such! Thanks for reading, take care


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Another Emetophobia Sufferer :-(

    Germs (If they were on her hands) will only stay alive for up to 72 hours, or so i believe. IF there was anything on there, you'll be absolutely fine now!

    I have this phobia myself. I am terrified of the thought of doing it or my son getting it.

    You have to be really careful around children because you don't want them growing up living a life like we do. I make sure if my son is ill, i make no fuss around him. I do make him wash his hands regularly, but not obsessively, that is dangerous. So far, he doesn't have any issues with puking.

    Just before the end of term, there was a kid who threw up right next to my son IN THE CLASSROOM. They left it there until break, i nearly hit the frigging roof. I was understandably anxious for the next 3 days. Thank God he never got sick.


    Panic attacks started in 1992. 1998 i became agoraphobic which lead into being room bound. Couldn't even get upstairs. 2002 i started getting better, able to drive and work. 2005 i became house bound again. 2009 i have been making SLOW progress, still not able to go anywhere alone, but my journeys are getting longer. No where near 'normal' but at least i can go out.

  3. #3

    Re: Another Emetophobia Sufferer :-(

    Hi Simone and Bell,

    I am a new mother; my daughter is two months and I'm emetophobic. I worry that when she is sick, I will not be able to care for her. Any advice you all can give would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and Take Care,

  4. #4

    Re: Another Emetophobia Sufferer :-(

    im just like you suffering with an emetophobia ,
    i was just wondering if you would like to email me or chat via private message and just talk about the phobia and what things we can do to help each other.
    i would love that ad im sure it would help each other

    anyway me email is . . .

    Tom x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Another Emetophobia Sufferer :-(


    Please be aware of this post...

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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