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Thread: chlomipramine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , .


    Has anyone tried chlomipramine. Ive suffered from extreme anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia since I was 15, 21 years in total.I never got offered medication untill I was 23. Up to that point I went through hell most of the time and good spells occasionally. I moved to a small village and during my next bad spell the local doctor prescribed chlomipramine at 30mg a day. This drug made all my symptoms 10 times worse but I was told to persevere.......lo and behold within 4 weeks it was like night and day. The general symptoms were still there, and never have I had a day with no symptoms in the last 21 years, but they never got bad enough to panic me. I have been on these tablets 4 times since then and they never fail to be my saviour. The longest I have taken them at one time is 8 months. I stop them when I feel I dont need them and sometimes its a couple of years before my symptoms get bad enough to restart them. About 6 weeks ago I felt myself slipping again. I ignored it but a week later was breathless constantly. I seem to get panic attacks that last for days. I took a dizzy turn driving and was too scared to drive. I went to my doctor and restarted my medication 4 weeks ago and spent the first three weeks looking for excuses not to drive my son to school, only 2 miles away. He had loads of days of for a slight sniffle, or flu as I convinced everyone he had.....I had my husband and my mum at their wits hubby was breathless listening to me constantly gasping. I couldnt even travel in the car when someone else was driving. 3 days ago I woke up and felt full of breathlessness or anything...Ive spent a fortune in petrol since, chlomipramine makes a big difference to my life.........It never fails to do the trick.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mags

    I suffered my PA for 3 years before I decided to take any medication. I like you suffered terrible symptoms to begin with..which made me just want to stop them but I decided to see it through. Like you about 4 weeks later I started to feel more calm and relaxed although I do still suffer some anxiety beating heart, tight chest, negative thoughts and dizziness. Although to a much lesser extent.

    Anyway, I think that its great that you feel so much better. You seem to be quite chirpy and positive so well done. I think that you will be able to get a better grip of your panic attacks now that the symptoms have stopped.

    Take care


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mags

    Thanks for the post. It is really great to hear from a positive side of medication and I pleased that it helps you so much.

    Cheers for the info


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