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Thread: Suriphobia (fear of mice)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , Canada.

    Suriphobia (fear of mice)

    Hello, I'm new to this message board and I have just realized that I have fear of mice since somehow they have gotten into my house. Even typing this makes me shake. I called an exterminator, and he said it would take about 2 weeks to get rid of the problem, However, its been longer than 2 weeks and it ( they ) are still very much alive. I was wondering how, if anyone else has this problem, how do you cope with it? Because I am certaintly not dealing very well to say the email is evian1@hotmail if someone could get back to me. I'll keep checking this message board also. Thank- you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Kelly

    Sorry to hear that - I know phobias are hard to deal with. I am not afraid of mice so I cannot relate to it but I have other fears/phobias and the feelings are all the same.

    My cats make sure we don't have any mice!!

    Have you tried any mouse traps - either the ones that kill or the humane ones.

    My sister recently was plagued by mice and they chew everything as well don't they.

    I do hope you can get rid of them soon cos it must be very stressful having them running around if you are afraid of them.

    Hopefully someone else will post on here too!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Kelly

    Like Nicola, I dont have a fear of mice but I do have a fear of maybe I can relate a bit to how you must be feeling!

    I have seen me frozen on the spot completely if there is a spider in the room. I can never go to sleep if there is a spider in my bedroom. I check under the bed, under the covers and pillows every night before I can go in it.

    I know people can overcome their fears by holding a spider in their hand but the thought of doing that just sends me into a panic...

    I now can cope with really small spiders but thats taken me 29yrs to do that...

    I think everyone has some form of fear..whether it be spiders, wasps, cats, dogs, birds, mice...the list could go on and on.

    When did your fear of mice begin?

    Did something happen in your past which has caused your phobia?

    Have you spoken to your GP to see if they can offer some sort of professional help to help with your phobia?

    Keep in touch..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , Canada.
    Hi Nicola,
    Thaks for your reply. The exterminator set poison bait all over the place but instead of them dying, they seem to be thriving. That could be my imagination though. I'm not quite hysterical after I have had a few drinks but I don't want to turn into an alkie just because I'm afraid to go in other rooms without having my husband checking to see if they are running around. (Just that thought makes me sick)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , Canada.
    Hi Sadie,
    I think the fear began once they took up residence in my house. The chewing in the walls, the never knowing where they are, the running in front of me etc etc. I am constantly looking around, always listening for the chewing. Ever since they moved in I have not had a moments peace. BTW, I hate spiders too but my can of Raid spider blaster is never too far away.
    BTW, thanks for you reply also

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Kelly

    I know it must be really difficult for you to try and not be frightened of them..esp. when you fear them so much. However, try and think positively about the have organised for someone to clear any mice out from your home, the mice will not harm are so much more bigger than they are and there probably is not as many as you think there is.

    I dont know if this has helped you any as I know what I can be like if I see a big spider or a wasp, another fear of mine.

    If you deal feel anxious though, do some deep breathing and think some positive thoughts and your anxiety will pass a lot quicker.

    let us know how you are getting on..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    , , Canada.
    I just feel the need to vent all this for some reason. Where better than on a message board since maybe someone else has a solution to my delimma.I used to live in Texas and we had those little geckos running all over the place. Didn't phase me in the least.This mice thing is really ruining my peace of mind, my sanity.I'm 45..could this be a pre menopausal hormone thing ? Always curious to know if its physical or all in my head . Logically, I know its an irrational fear, on the other hand I tell other people about this and I wonder to myself how they CANNOT be afraid of vermin living in their house.
    I have been to several doctors and they have their perscription pad in hand before I even walk in the door. And that infuriates me.
    I used to have gerbils and hamsters and the like along time ago but of course they were in a cage. I'm even getting on my own nerves.
    Well, thanks for letting me vent.I think the only thing that will restore my peace of mind is knowing that they dead.And I'll never know if they are (unless, of course I actually see them dead)
    Thanks again, and to anyone else who had this debilitating fear and overcame it, your input will help me . I'll try anything within thats funny coming from someone with an unreasonable fear.

  8. #8

    Re: Suriphobia (fear of mice)

    First of all greeting as this my first post and thanks for having me.

    I have panic disorder and have some phobias such as driving, storms and now mice in my house.

    I have been living a nightmare the last four days.

    We found we had mice after hearing scratches in the wall and my girl seeing one while I was at work. The mice came by the way the samwe day she lost her job.

    Then I saw one a day or so later and that freaked me out. We put peppermint oil round the house and got snake poop from a pet store I get my bird supplies from.
    Then we relaxed and things went back to almost normal...then we were sitting up watching TV and another one went by right where I do my writing.

    So that was it.
    I'm sorry, there is so much more but I'm so tired and drained emtionally and physically. I am dealing with this at the same time as my ortho arthritis I just found out in Dec that I have on top of my varicose veins and edma in both legs.

    Plus our lease is almost up and the same cheap landlord who refuses to help with the mice says we never paid a security deposit a few years ago, plus we are tryinf to move to Texas in the Spring and that is stress too.

    I might post gain to tell more of my story from work as I'm on my phone, just tired of being afraid and hiding in my bedroom when I'm home at night and not getting anything done, them terrorizing my birds and me feeling like I'm losing my mind.

    Thank you in advance and apologies ahead of time if I double post...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Suriphobia (fear of mice)

    I am so scared of mice.
    Had them in the house I used to live in and run out screaming 1 day when I sew 1 and would not go home for two days.
    Months later I was in bed and heard rustling in a bag in the bedroom I know it was a mouse.
    I slept down stairs for 2 weeks and was convinced I would see a mouse again.
    Every time I went in the kitchen thought 1 might run over my foot.
    It got so bad and was making me ill my mate told me to get a cat.
    Thing was I had a phobia over cats and could not ever think of being left in a room on my own with a cat.
    The mouse phobia was much much worse though so got a kitten first few weeks where terrible could not be left alone with the kitten.
    A couple of months later got really used to this cat and really loved her.
    I still have her now 8 years on and a ginger boy as totally got over my phobia.
    I love cats they come to bed with me and dont think I will ever be without a cat.
    Have never seen a mouse since I got a cat apart from once when cat brought a dead one in the house

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Suriphobia (fear of mice)

    well I had mice in my walls/air vents.
    They couldn't actually get into the house once I found the hole and blocked it up.
    Then I had rats lol, they lived in the attick, they never came into the rest of the house.
    I just found the hole in the roof and got it fixed too.
    end of problem

    Just saying if you can find where or how they are getting into the house and block it off it would stop them coming back.

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