Ive written here before with re to weight gain taking prozac -basically I started off at 20mg last September which worked great until Jan-and then it seemed to stop working .My doc after numerous requests finally upped me to 60mg about a month ago which hasnt done a single thing to improve how im feeling -however my initial concern with prozac was weight gain and since i started on the drug have piled on 2 stone. two stone is alot of weight -and altho cannot claim eating habits have been perfect -find this ballooning quite unusual -v similar to the contraceptive pill weight gain.
i want to come off it immediately because its making me worse by the day -and suicidal thoughts are far more common --but my doc wants me to try a gradual approach -i want to just stop it . ive had 20mg a day for the last four days and run out of my supply tomorrow -and plan on just going cold turkey . has anyone done this and should i be prepared for a scary decline in mood ? ( given that mood is already so bleak /suicidal ? )