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Thread: Anybody got any advice?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Anybody got any advice?


    My doctor offered me anti-depressents last week for my fear of swallowing which I refused but I am now wondering whether or not I should give them a try, does anybody have any advice on this?

    Also, I asked if I could get some form of therapy but she said there wasnt much available for my condition (fear of swallowing solid food) so now I dont know what to do. Where can I find the therapy I need does anybody know?

    I was starting to feel better in myself knowing that it is me creating all my symptoms but I know I cant get over this on my own - so now I feel worse because it doesnt look like I'm going to get any help!


    Helen x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    CBT would help

    We've seen some success in the past from having a good whack of valium which reliefs the throat thing for a few hours so you can prove to yourself that it is a muscular thing and it releases with a muscle relaxant and so is not anything sinister and then CBT or sheer self b****y mindedness and JFDI can get you eating again


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
    How big is your gallery ?

  3. #3
    removed Guest
    HI helen
    that is a horrible problem to have.
    If you were to put some food in your mouth and just keep chewing it, eventually it would just go down and you wouldnt be aware of it happening.
    It is impossible to keep chewing and chewing on something reasonably soft without it just disappearing.
    Why dont you try deciding to put something in your mouth with the actual intention of NOT swallowing, only chewing and see what happens?
    If it gets too much you can spit it out, but if you can just keep chewing it WILL go down without you even noticing
    When it does, you will realise that you have swallowed without even trying, because actually you cant not. It is a reflex action. You have just got in the way of it by too much concentrating on it.
    Hope that helps
    Janet c

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Helen

    I know this may sound silly but have you tried pretending to eat solid food. Your mind has been programed to fear solid food but it IS possible to re-program it.
    Start off mornings picture in your mind the food you would normaly eat for breakfast, see it on the plate, while looking at it think how nice it is.
    Tell yourself that is is possible to get better and you will and nothing is going to stop you. In your mind put the food in your mouth all the time thinking my problem has gone I can eat solid foods. Chew the food for a while, all the time you must be thinking of how better you feel. Swallow the food, feel the food go down with know problem. Do this for a few time's them Praise yourself for eating your breakfast.
    Do this at dinnertime, teatime and suppertime, you must always think positive thoughts at these time's. always tell yourself you WILL get better and always praise yourself and tell yourself how well you are doing. In between your pretend meals again think about it and tell yourself your doing well and you WILL get better. BELIEVE that you will get better, I know Mrs A is always there with her negative thoughts ( it doesnt look like I'm going to get help ) Meg has already answered that, THERE IS ALWAYS HELP. You WILL get better.
    You have to really work hard at this pretending if you get any negative thoughts change them to positive right away.
    It is hard to think positive all the time, but think as many as you can throughout each and every day.
    Try petend eating for a few weeks and see how it goes, I know you think it seems like along time and maybe a wast of time but it might work.After a few weeks then put a little bit of solid food in your mouth using the same positive thought patterns you have been using.




  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Thanks for the advice everyone.

    I am really going to work on combatting this fear - but as many of you know its very difficult! Today I had stew - that had been liquidised then sieved! At least its a step up from complan! It took me ages but I was determined to get it down!

    Jill - I really like your idea so I will give that a try this week!

    I really appreciate the help - thanks

    Helen x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hey helen,
    just to let you know that i had this exact fear and i overcame it using all of the methods meg has suggested here. my cbt bloke explained to me all the reasons why your body swallows whether you want it to or not, which helped. and valium is great in the short term and proved to me that whenever my breathing or swallowing gets a bit funny, it's because my muscles are so hugely tensed.
    henri x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hey Henri

    Thanks for your post - its nice to hear from people who have overcome this as it gives me hope!

    Helen x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi helen,

    Was looking on google is this any good?

    Just a thought, hope your ok.


    .......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

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