Hello everyone. With my GAD I don't like to take medicine's. I always google it, and read the leaflet that comes with the medicine. Then I psych myself out about taking it, because of the "side effects" of it. Recently my doctor gave me clonazepam. The other night while going through a panic attack I just sat and stared at the bottle. It's kind of silly having something right in front of me that's going to help me out, and I can't seem to get the nerve to take it. To get to the point, does anyone in here take this medicine? I would like to know how it makes you feel. I have two small children that I take care of by myself during the day, so I don't want to end up taking it while I'm at home by myself if it is going to make me sleepy. I'm hoping that this is my magic pill and when I have a panic episode, that it will help get me through it. Thanks for reading!