I feel like my boss is holding against me the fact i have been off sick. 2 years ago i was off work for 10 weeks with panic attacks/anxiety - all backed up with medical certificates. Then i was off with Kidney Stones and that was fine and over the last year i have had a couple of days off sick and also been allowed to work from home occasionally. I have gone out of my way to make sure that my work is 150% and it has been. He has not been completely sympathetic with it all but always says to me how much he and the company have helped and he seems to hold it against me.

2 weeks ago my dad was hit by a car and is still in hospital - they day it happened i was at the hospital and not at work - i have been in every day since - he asked me to fill out a leave of absence form today and when i did he said why wasn't i taking it as holiday and i said i did not think i should and he said well you have had more time off that anyone in this department - and basically made me feel like s**t and said fine, whatever and that was that.

I was so angry and upset and as a result fuelled with anxiety that he will constantly hold everything against me

I know i have gone out of my way to make sure my work is not affected

I have just had a run of bad luck recently

Can he do anything that would make me lose my job?

Normally i back down and go along with what he may want but this time i feel like i am in the right

Any thought, advice?


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