To all those parents/teachers/child carers out there!

I am a teacher and I have a new child just started with ADHD. Amongst many of her other problems, she hates coming to school and always wants to go home early. (Nothing to do with us! She had a bad time at her old school). So anyway, to my point.

We were in assembly today and she asked to go to the toilet. I said no because she had just been 2 minutes before. So she proceeded to stick her fingers down her throat to make herself sick... OMG!!! (For anyone who doesn't know I have emetophobia - fear of vomit!).

As we were in assembly I couldn't ask anyone else to help so I just had to grab her (not literally you will be pleased to know) and take her out. Anyway, as she had got what she wanted, she stopped and didn't make herself sick, thank God!

So I did manage not to panic majorly although I was shaking (hopefully not visibly!) by time we went back in.

So I was just wondering if anyone has experience of things like this? I know there are a few teachers on here so any advice??? Why would a child do this?! What should I have done? And any advice on ADHD would be great as well. Hope its ok to post this here, it's kinda half about my phobia and half about my job!

Tam x