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Thread: Diazepam Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Diazepam Advice

    Things have really been getting on top of me lately and I haven't been handling things very well. I have tried but deep down I feel like I am sinking. Last night felt like the final straw, I couldn't sleep at all last night, the feelings of anxiety were so extreme that I started vomiting something I have not had problems with for over 10 years. Everything stated to build up and I completely freaked out and thought I was having some sort of breakdown. I couldn't even take my little girl to school this morning and had to get hubby to take some time of work.

    I went to the doctors again, saw a different doctor who was very sympathetic, I was in there for 30 mins Although I never wanted to take them I have been prescribed Diazepam 2mg three times a day.
    I have just taken half of one just to see how I feel because I am worried about becoming addicted. The problem seems to be that I have set myself to many goals too soon, instead of gradually facing my fear. I thought I was strong enough to handle the situation but I wasn't.

    If you have taken Diazepam before can you please let me know how you felt, just to put my mind at rest.



    I have recently been prescribed Seroxat which I have taken before and it did help although my anxiety was not as bad as it is now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Claire

    Diazepam can be a wonderful relief when in the acute phase of anxiety.

    How did the 1mg affect you ? It is a truly personal drug with no 1 size fits all scenario - some people get a response on 0.5 mg others need 5mg. If it makes you truly sleepy you're taking too much at once.

    Maybe take it as prescribed three times a day for a few days and then try to either miss out the middle dose or lower them all down to 1.5mg depending on how you're feeling.

    Physical addiction doesn't happen over a week or two so no worries about that just at the moment, its more important to get you feeling back in control first.

    ** The problem seems to be that I have set myself to many goals too soon, instead of gradually facing my fear. I thought I was strong enough to handle the situation but I wasn't.**

    Well done for identifying this and so take heed and after resting a bit and getting a chance to collect yourself start out again being more gentle on yourself and not trying to be perfect. Its not about being strong enough, its about having reasonable and manageable expectations.


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
    How big is your gallery ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thank You for the advice.

    The 1mg worked just fine any more and I think I would be asleep. It lasted about 4 hours and has now wore off, the anxiety has returned like before. I am trying to hold off taking another one yet because I don't want to wake in the middle of the night absolutely terrified again.

    The respite was good but I can't help but worry that when they are gone I will be back where I was before. I hate the way I feel. I am going to try relaxation and breathing excercises.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    How Do You Do The Breathing
    Breathing.. wow
    Breathing Techniques
    fear of relaxing
    Visualisation Technique?

    Try 1/2 next time and see if thats enough. You're aiming to just get it manageable not zonk you out.


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
    How big is your gallery ?

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