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Thread: Success in a Psychiatric Unit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Success in a Psychiatric Unit

    Hello everyone.

    There has been a lot of talk about this lately so i thought i would post this and explain my recent experiences of being in hospital.

    On Thursday September 3rd 2009 my support worker came to visit me at home. I hadn't eaten or slept for four days, all i had done is drink alcohol so you can imagine she was in shock when she saw me i was in a mess. My sons were running riot and my house was a mess.
    For the past month after a terrible relationhip my anxiety had shot through the roof and i was very depressed, i was always suffering with very vivid, prominant and distressing thoughts.
    When my support worker arrived i was crying uncontrollably and was very traumatised, i told her i simply couldn't cope anymore. The problem was i had been given medication 3 weeks before from my GP but i never took them because i was affraid of them, so i had wasted 3 weeks recovery time.
    She immediatly got on to the crisis team and they told her to bring me to A&E to speak to the on call Psychiatrist. Both myself and my support knew that they were likely to admit me so i had to face the awful task of telephoning my mum and telling her, and my sister. It was bad because they had no idea, i never told anyone. I was terrified.
    I packed my kids up and took them to my sisters until my mum arrived from West Sussex (thanks mum )
    All i did was cry, i couldn't speak to all the doctors and nurses my support worker had to do it while i cried into her shoulder. She was a rock. They did admit me and i was taken to the ward. I was so frightened. The other patients really scared me and i just couldn't accept my situation. My support worker was with me until 10pm, she was with me every step of the way.
    They doped me up with medication. I hardly slept that first night, the noises and lights. The next day i was like a zombie, my pupils were three times the size and i was very sleepy. I had to have a health check too and found that i had lost a stone in weight over 4 weeks.
    After a few days i started to come out of my room and sit in the day room with the other patients. I found that they were no different than me and i could actually have a conversation with them. Then i started to converse with staff and found that they were lovely too.
    By monday i saw a doctor and he allowed me some leave, 30 minutes twice a day on the grounds only, supervised by staff. I hadn't seen my kids since the thursday so he allowed me 15 minutes twice a week with them in the family room, also supervised. This doesn't seem a lot but to me it was like gold. My mum brought the kids up on the Monday night and it was heartbreaking. I couldn't cuddle them without a member of staff having his beady eyes on us. My eldest boy couldn't stop crying and hugging me, he was devastated. Then the 15 minutes was over. I cried myself to sleep that night.
    Anyway as the week passed i began to improve, i was socialising more, and realised we were even allowed to have takeaways delivered! I learnt how to play table tennis and managed to beat the champion player lol. I grew attached to certain members of staff and they were always there for a game or a chat.
    I must admit i did have the occasional tantrum, i kicked the bin over, threw my phone and locked myself in the toilets a couple of times...just keeping the staff on their toes.
    Friday was coming i had been in for 8 days and i was meeting my consultant for the first time and i was very nervous. He assessed me and decided to keep me in for another week. I was upset but i knew it was the right thing. The ward made me feel safe, and i wasn't yet ready to go home. I also had a tablet phobia before i went in so he just wanted to make sure i was comfortable with them first. Plus i was given more freedom. I was allowed 4 hours leave each day to do what i pleased. I started to pick up my youngest son from school and when my eldest came home we all cooked a meal together.
    This was great but hard, each time i had to go back to the hospital i cried my heart out. By wednesday i knew it was time to go home but i knew i couldnt see my consultant till friday.
    Friday came and i was discharged! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I had grown to know and love the other patients, they became friends and i will miss them dearly. It's like despite the staff the patients end up supporting each other, we were always there for each other and someone was always available for a cuddle. I'm not saying my time there was good, there was some very frightening times, but on the whole it was the best thing i ever did and i owe them a lot.
    When i left i had a million hugs from staff and patients and it was very teary.
    I gained a new nick name in there...chuckles! Just because despite everything i always had a smile and a giggle and i was always free with my hugs and making people laugh. I always kept my sense of humour...i think this is important.
    Anyway i just wanted to share this. I am in a happy place right now and feel good. I hope i haven't bored you all too much. Thanks for all of the hugs and best wishes while i was in hospital...close to my heart.

    Kerry xxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Success in a Psychiatric Unit


    How very brave of you to have gone through all that.

    Well done to you for sticking it out and coming through the other side feeling so much better, i'm sure you're family are very proud of you after going go through all that.

    And for anyone else having to be admitted into hospital, after reading your story, i'm sure they will take great comfort from it and understand that sometimes it isn't as scarey as they think.

    So thank you for sharing that with us.

    And i wish you continued success.

    best wishes

    di xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Success in a Psychiatric Unit

    Hi Kerry,

    What a wonderful story of recovery. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I'm sure you'll give much hope to many other people who are struggling right now.

    Thank you for sharing and may the recovery continue

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Success in a Psychiatric Unit

    Thanks for your story Kerry. I have awful fears of being put in hospital against my will because of my anxiety and reading your story of hope has lessened my fears just a little. I have very outdated ideas of what it would be like and hearing how you got on has stopped my concerns somewhat so thanks very much for sharing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Success in a Psychiatric Unit

    Thank You, Kerry, for sharing your experience with us.
    I was so emotional reading it - you write so well and and I am so glad that you are now feeling happier and back with your family again.
    Psychiatric units are always portrayed as being full of 'dangerous crazy mad people' and yet when we meet those people who are going through similar problems to ourselves, we can often find that they are no different to ourselves, are just going through a tough time, and we can support one another - like on this site.
    I agree, I think it is important to retain a sense of humour, despite what we go through - it makes things seem that bit more bearable sometimes I think.
    You wrote your article so well and I am so glad you shared it.
    I hope you continue to keep feeling better.
    Hugs to you.

  6. #6

    Re: Success in a Psychiatric Unit

    Hi I am really interested to know which ward/hospital/trust this was. It sounded very helpful. ps I live in Kent.

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